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{... POV}

Do you  know where you are?

That's a stupid question.. if I knew where I was.. I would've told you.. right?

Correct. But, sometimes people know more than what they are capable of remembering.

  Well.. that doesn't apply to me.. dumbass..

  Well... you also know you aren't supposed to be here.

{Chara POV}

I jolted awake.. 'Where was I?' I felt the blanket on my body..oh yeah..I.. was in my bed.. as I adjusted myself to an upright position, I immediately fell back down into the bed.. my hands hurt like hell..they were all scratched and bruised.. but other than that.. I seemed to be fine..

And.. it was quiet.. it seemed to be dark outside..maybe silence wasn't so bad-

"You're awake!" I heard someone loudly say.

I screamed a high pitched note as I scrambled out of bed, only to fall on the floor.. and— surprise, surprise— the LGBTQ+ rainbow was in front of me.. "Why are hell are you in my room?!"

"Oh, they told me to watch over you till you woke up!"
"....how are you feeling?"

She sat down on my bed.. I swear if I didn't feel like absolute shit right now I would've insistingly pushed the shit out of her to get out of my sacred territory. "Well, since you're finally up, I guess I can go now.-"


She stayed still, waiting for me to finish, as she turned her head to look up at me.

"Never mind.."

"Well, I should get going anyway. Tomorrow me and Sans are-"
"I don't care, now get out"

I heard her let out a sigh and she proceeded to leave.

"Frisk.. just reset already.." I said under my breath as flopped down on my bed.. I was waiting to hear the door open then close but, it didn't..



"What's a reset..?"

"After the Storm" ((COMPLETED)) Chara x Sans Where stories live. Discover now