Where's Frisk?

305 13 15

Chara POV

Well shit. Of course they want Frisk.. where is she anyway..? I looked around the room. Nowhere to be seen. I couldn't just tell this lady... -who I was thinking was apart of what was gonna happen with monsters- that this was Frisk's murderous demon buddy.

"Uhm..." I cleared my throat to a softer pitch, "This...this is.. Frisk you are speaking to." Please work, please work, please work, please work, please wor- "Good. Listen, where have you been? You do realize that monsters don't stand a chance if you aren't attending any of the meetings, signing no contracts, or making speeches, right?"

The fuck? Was Frisk skipping work..? The main part of an ambassador is not to skip things.. But.. I don't understand. Frisk has been telling me that she's been going to those meetings, signing those papers, making speeches... had she been lying to me- no. Had she been lying to all of us?

"Y-yes.. I'm.. sorry, uh.. I'll..-"
"If you can't do your duties. We can either find someone else or we can figure out what we're going to do with them ourselves."

She hung up.
Well, shit.

"After the Storm" ((COMPLETED)) Chara x Sans Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora