Untamed Love (Todoroki X Reader)

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"Hey... wake up" a soft gentle voice whispered in your ear. You open your eyes slowly to see a boy with two different colored eyes and a red scar. It hit you... you spent the night with Shoto Todorkoi.. it had been this way for months but on and off. You rolled over seeing him hovering over you. "Hey... there's my beautiful girl" he smiled softly looking over your face with his kind eyes "You where having issues sleeping.. are you still having nightmares from the attack?" he asked softly touching the side of your cheek with his warm soft hand. You nodded lightly not wanting to lie to him about it.. you truly were suffering from the attack the other day that sent you and Midoriya both to the hospital, you got out yesterday but sadly Midoriya was still there in somewhat better condition. "You know.. you can talk to me about it... I'm your boyfriend after all... and it's my job to protect you and keep you from harm.. but how can I do that when you and Midoriya keep getting hurt? you scared me the other day.. its why I punished you last night" he smirked winking lightly. You adjusted yourself so you could look at him better.. you could see the worry in his eyes yet a hint of love coming from them. You had changed him.. made him into a person that he truly needed to be and it made you happy knowing he was showing his true self for once and each day he was better. He kissed you softly with his gentle lips letting them linger as he pulled away lightly "You need to take better care of yourself dumpling you keep getting hurt and I'm the one who has to comfort you after... why do you do that to me? you know I can't handle myself if I lose you" he whispered by your ear his lips touching it lightly "You really don't understand, do you? that your actions can result in me losing the love of my life?" he smirked on your ear going up "This won't do... no... I can't let you keep getting hurt I need to keep safe.. wrap you up in bubble wrap" he smiled laughing at his words. Seeing him smile made your heart flutter as you looked into his eyes. Being with him has been the best moments of your life and you tried hard to keep each memory with him locked inside deep so you could look back at them later. Todoroki helped you sit up looking you over "hmm I need to change some of these bandages... and I need to make you some food.. can't let you starve now can I?" he winked getting up. You watched him walk over to a backpack taking out a big bag full of medical supplies as he came over he started to dig in the bag looking for what he needed. He set the bag on the bed and set down all he needed to tend to your not as bad injuries. "I need you to undress," he said biting his bottom lip looking at you "don't you fight me on this," he said knowing you would fight him on getting undressed in front of him. He went to you and carefully took off your shirt seeing you wouldn't do it yourself he was slow and his touch was soft as he helped your arms and head out of the shirt trying not to hurt you. He stood there looking at you sighing deeply "All Might was not lying when he said you got hurt bad.... im thankful for recovery girl" he kept looking at you seeing all the areas he needed to attend to. He took his time changing everything trying hard not to hurt you as he took off the tape and bandages that covered most of your body "I didn't think you could have gotten hurt so bad my little dumpling next time I will be there to protect you and maybe then it will be you taking care of me" he chuckled softly sending chills down your back. You watched him treat each area with so grace and blushed when he kissed each one when he was done "Some might scar... but that doesn't matter to me because I love your body and everything it... the scars tell a story and you should keep each story for a day when you're ready to share... wear them proudly like me... Im used to my scar knowing my mother gave me it which doesn't bother me anymore I've truly learned to accept it as a daily thing... even if some people find it gross, I look at it as something that's made me stronger as a person" he looked up at you with soft eyes knowing that he was talking about this past when you both agreed to not talk about it as much. He finished up and carefully helped you back into your shirt kissing your cheek softly "How does a nice bowl of Soba sound?" He asked with a big smile. That being his favorite dish you nodded wanting him to be happy too even with everything going on with your lives it seemed you and soba were the only things that made me truly happy. It took him time to make it but he came back with a tray and a big smile on his face "Here my little Dumpling... I even made you some Dumplings" he set everything down on the table next to the bed and sat down. He took the bowl and carefully fed you not wanting you to leave the bed. It seemed he wanted you to rest more than move and as the rest of the day went on he continued to take care of you and make things you wanted. Todoroki truly was the best boyfriend anyone could have even in times when you didn't like yourself he was always the one to make sure you did. Nighttime soon came and you were tired still from the past few days as it was finally catching up to you. Todoroki came in wearing his pajamas and he turned off the lights as got under the covers with you pulling you close "Your so cold my dumpling" he whispered in your ear "I should have done a better job keeping you warm" you could feel his lips go into a smirk as he said those words. "You're too injured for an exciting night with me but it won't stop me from loving you afterward" he left little kisses down your neck as he spoke to you. Goosebumps covered your body with this side of him.. the pumping of your heart was easy to hear in that quiet room "awe... am I getting my dumpling excited?" He laughed softly on your neck "I think its best I stop for the night.. and let you get some sort of rest.. we should go see Midoriya tomorrow maybe even try to get Bakugo to join us" he chuckled at the thought of Bakugo doing anything with them that had to do with Midoriya. Your eyes became heavy as he talked you to sleep melting in his arms as he held you with his fireside using it lightly to warm you up.


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