Anxiety (Bakugo X Reader)

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It's the beginning of summer and class 1-A and 1-B all got to go on a trip together to an island off the coast of Japan. You were apart of class 1-B and this was your first time since joining UA you were around class 1-A and it shocked you at how they all looked compared to what from what was shown on tv. One looked very familiar and it hit you on who it was.. the number one most hated guy in the class besides Mineta.. it was Katsuki Bakugo and he seemed to keep looking at you for some strange reason and it sure did put you off. Soon the boys and girls were split up for rooming and you were lucky enough to room with some of the girls of 1-A, they all seemed so nice and welcoming to you it made you feel less nervous about going along with them. You wanted to stay home and take care of your grandma but she kept pushing you to go knowing if you didn't you would regret it later in life. You ended up getting the top bunk of the bed-sharing it with the gravity girl Ochaco who seemed really nice and excited to meet you "You must be the new girl that got sent up to 1-B! have you had the chance to meet the rest of our class? I mean I'm sure you know most of them from the kids in your class" she asked you with excitement. you just nodded slowly not really feeling comfortable with talking in fear you might mess up. The day went on and both classes ended up hanging out by the beach relaxing as the teachers who came along kept an eye on everyone. You were under an umbrella still in your normal clothes not being a big fan of the water, you were reading manga as you felt someone sit next to you.. you could smell a hint of Carmel and it made your mouth water thinking of the candy. You looked over to see it was the boy from before the Bakugo kid, you gave him a faint smile unsure how he would react towards you but you were trying to figure out... out of all the umbrellas, why did he pick the one you were under. "That's a good Manga," he said looking down at your lap looking at the book "I own them all if you want to borrow them... damn nerd keeps trying to take them when he's in my room" he looked over at a boy who must have been who he was talking about when you noticed it was Midoriya or Deku as some called him. You played with the book closing it carefully looking back up seeing him looking at you still "You interest me... ever since I saw you when we got on the bus you haven't left my mind..." he quickly looked away with a slight blush which made him look uncomfortable as if he's never blushed before. "there are fireworks tonight after dinner.. come watch them with me here on this beach.. if you're late ill have to hurt you.. got it dumbass?" he asked standing up brushing off the sand "I better see you tonight" he walked off going to where Deku was as he started to yell at the poor kid. He left you with a fluttering heart and a blush as his words echoed inside your head still trying to understand what he was up too. The night was drawing to an end which meant you had to meet Bakugo near the beach as he said, you hated fireworks because of the loud sounds and it was making your anxiety get worse even after looking at the watch over and over your heart started to pick up seeing you needed to go then. You got up from the table of girls and rushed off to the same spot from the afternoon. You got there and didn't see him, you looked around hoping maybe he was going to be the one who forgot that this was going on. Your heart started to thinking you where being stood up by him but part of you was hoping that he was just late and would be there soon. Soon there was a bright light going up in the sky and a loud boom and flash followed, you screamed scared as your legs gave out falling when you were caught by someone "What's wrong mouse? scared of fireworks?" you looked up seeing it was Bakugo holding you and speaking to you. You gripped his shirt shaking still as more fireworks went off "hey.. hey I'm sorry I didn't know they scared you.. you could have said no" He didn't stop looking into your eyes as he spoke to you with a soft voice "Here just hold onto me I won't let them hurt you... No like this" He sat down pulling you close holding your head to his chest "close your eyes and listen to my heart Mouse... let that be the only thing you hear" his hand carefully held your head to his chest while his other arm made sure you were comfortable in his lap. You breathed in his smell being relaxed by his addictive caramel smell, It was like nothing you've ever smelled in your life and it was making your head spin the more you smelled it. You held onto his shirt closing your eyes trying to focus on his heart instead of the fireworks that kept going off you could feel the rumbles as it made the ground shake. You could feel his eyes on you as he made sure you were alright "Hey it's gonna be alright.. they won't hurt you I promise I get they are loud but they are beautiful like you little mouse... if they try to hurt you ill blow them up... I won't let anything hurt you" hearing him say those words made your heart leap out of your chest as it picked up speed. You never felt this way with someone let alone someone you just met but with him, it was like you've known him forever. You looked up to see what he was doing when your eyes locked together melting even more at his soft yet angry red eyes, the feeling of anxiety and worry was slowly slipping away longer you looked at him. "Are those tears? hey don't cry Mouse" his rough yet gentle hand caught a tear that had left your eye without you knowing "I don't want to see you cry.. my mouse should never cry unless it's from being happy" His hand went down to your chin lifting it as he kissed you softly. His lips were softer than you could have imagined and they even tasted like Caramel. He pulled away to look at you "From now on if you are sad.. scared or having anxiety you come find me even if I'm in class or in training.. ill make you feel better even if I have to kiss your dumbass as many times as possible to make you feel better" he gave a smirk yet it was more of a smile. The fireworks ended but he didn't let go of you "I don't want you going back to the rooms until you are feeling better to be able to go without me" he said kissing the top of your head. You truly didn't want to leave him.. you were becoming addicted to his hold and his smell not wanting it to go away. Soon you heard the voice of one of the teachers yelling for everyone to come back to the cabins "I guess someone was bound to ruin this" you heard him mumble as he helped you up. He never left your side even when you got to the door of the cabin "I better see you in the morning little mouse" he bent down and pecked your lips softly "sleep well or ill have to make you sleep well" he ruffled your hair and watched you go into the cabin making sure you made it in safely. You quickly got changed and climbed up on the bed getting under the covers putting your face in the pillow blushing deeply as you thought of the night and him kissing you, You soon fell asleep still smelling him on you.


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