Crystal Snow (Bakugo X Reader)

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(This one is targeted towards the ladies with really bad Anxiety and those who overthink) (I'd like to thank my Two wonderful co-authors @SpaceDadIsGay_Yes and @KoyaKoyacutie You will be seeing more of them!) 

 Things have been hard lately, with everything going on in your life. The constant overthinking of things you had just done or had done in the past kept coming back to your mind. You held tightly to your bag as you walked down the street trying to get to the store before you decided to just go straight home. You had been worked up recently, considering it had been two months since you heard anything from your pro hero boyfriend Bakugou. Last you knew he was on some island with Deku and Todoroki working on some secret things - to the point he never called or texted you. You sighed walking in, knowing he would be covering the entire store with the many brand deals that he did before he left.

 You had bought every single one for him to see when and if he came back. You used the word "if" a lot when it came to him since things had been rocky with the build-up of him leaving. It got pretty bad, he used his quirk out of anger and had damaged part of the house you two lived in. Little things had been setting him off and it started to make you worry more to the point you swear you had grey hairs growing. But still, you missed him and his caramel smell. You missed how he was with only you and no one else, he was never angry with you except for the last two days of him being around.

You got a basket and wandered around the store trying to avoid the kids getting excited about the new action figures that came out of him. Luckily for you, they came earlier than the release date and you got to see them first hand. You started to fill the basket up with the weekly amount of food for one person, it became a habit now to just buy what you needed and it made you get sadder looking at the basket. 

Tears started to form as the hole in your heart got bigger. You missed him dearly, you wanted to break the rules and go find him yourself since you knew you could easily get the agency he worked for to give out that information. Part of you wanted to just forget him and go on with your life since knowing him, he probably was back and with some new prettier girl living the life you two planned. What hurt more was he had given you a promise ring right before the fight and looking at it hurt more. You rushed to finish up shopping not wanting to make the trip harder by crying like a baby in the middle of the store.

You stood in line waiting and it started to feel like time was starting to slow down - as if it was teasing you with having to wait much longer than you wanted. Finally, you got to the front and unloaded your cart, trying to make sure you got all you needed not wanting to go back to shopping. You started to hear girls scream as if they saw a celebrity, you shrugged it off trying to ignore it all so you could just finish and leave.

 That was until you smelled the most familiar scent you could ever smell and it sent chills down your spine. "Well well... I knew I'd find you here, Bambi." You heard his deep voice call out your nickname making your knees tremble. You slowly turned, seeing his chest when you slowly looked up to see it was actually him and you lost control of your body, quickly hugging him. You felt so many emotions leave your body like they never happened, you had no idea what or why he was there but you didn't care. 

You had your boyfriend back and that's all a girl could ask for. You slowly pulled away to get a good look at him, taking deep breaths. Starting to take in the scents of your surroundings, and pay attention to what you see. You keep your hands on his arms, a soft grip, remembering the feeling of his skin. You looked him up and down, you slowly ran your hands up his arms letting out a soft chuckle "No way..." you whispered.

After some time, and many fans, he got you back to the car and helped you load up. "So you did take the car this time." he chuckled knowing you liked to take the train over the car any day. "Well I had no choice today, the news said it was going to rain and I didn't want to take it. And besides, I needed to start it up." You pouted, giving him your signature look. Bakugou couldn't help but chuckle at how cute you looked and he ruffled your hair softly. "Let's go home... We have a lot to talk about and I want to clear things up soon," He said, softly taking your hand, "I missed your tiny fingers... and how soft they are." He pouted looking down. He only acted this way with you and hated it when you called him cute. You didn't care, you loved this side of him more than anything since it was his true side that he didn't hide. You squeezed his hand. "Hope you like what's for dinner.. I'll make a bigger batch since I have more of it at home." You smiled softly.

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