One in Lemillion (Mirio X Reader)

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You were sitting in your usual spot in the library studying for a final hero exam, you had been crying most of the day after being rejects by a boy you have liked since you started at UA, and Studying at that moment felt like the only thing you could do. Soon a face appeared in the bookmaking you jump seeing it was your really good friend Mirio Togata one of the big three in your class. You laughed softly as he made a few faces before he pulled his head back out of the book "Never gets old does it my dove" he whispered smiling "Tamaki told me he saw you crying today at lunch and he was worried but you know him... he would never ask you" he grabbed the book closing it softly "Talk to me Dove... what or who made you cry.... this isn't like you.. you're always my big beam of sunshine when I'm around and now you can't even muster up that smile I like of yours so much" he titled his head studying your features trying to figure out what it could be that was making you cry. 

He gasped and took your hands "Did they reject you? please don't tell me they did" he sighed when you nodded "I can't believe they would do that" he shook his head and got up sitting next to you "How could someone as amazing and perfect as you get rejected? this makes me upset and I wish I could go tell them right now to rethink.... oh you tried.... well maybe they just aren't the right one for you or maybe they got someone lined up... like one of those quirk marriages? I hear they are becoming a thing again... they were huge back when my parents were starting out being heroes." you sniffed looking at him which gave you a slight beam of hope. Mirio and you had been friends since middle school and he encouraged you to go to UA with him and to become a hero even though you truly didn't want to be one until he came crashing into your life... literally. You moved your hair to the side and sighed not really wanting to talk about it with Mirio even though it always helps you to vent to him but today just wasn't something you wanted to speak on.

 You got your bag and started to pack up not wanting to be around him anymore, you wanted to go up on the roof for fresh air and to just clear your mind from the events of the day. You got up not saying anything and went off "Wait! Dove!" you heard Mirio call out but you ignored him the best you could without looking back at him, the thought of looking back at him you knew right then and there you would break down from everything and he had that way with him that with just one look you were done for. You made it up to the roof and sat down on the warm roof laying down letting the sun soak into your skin, you let out a soft sigh feeling the nice summer breeze blow around you.

 It was quiet and peaceful with the birds chirping away like nothing in their life was wrong, you could also hear Bakugo the first-year screaming at poor Midoriya a first-year but now that was just a normal sound the school was used to hearing along with Bakugo's loud blasts when he used his quirk that would make the entire school shake. You loved UA.. you loved the teachers and students but you just couldn't push yourself to that hero life that Mirio always spoke so highly of "Wanting to do what you can to help those in trouble.... is part of the basics for a hero.... right?" those words of his rang in your head making you sigh deeper. You sat up seeing him standing there looking at you, it made you jump lightly seeing the face he was making.... it was as if he was in pain and sad at the same time and it made your heart sink "Dove..... why did you run? Did I say something to you that made you leave the library?" Mirio always worried about you and others around him that you could tell it was affecting him when others had issues and I guess that's one good thing to have for being a hero... showing emotions that make you look human-less non-human.

 He slowly went to you and knelt down "Dove.... did they really hurt you that bad you don't want to be around me? I'm not a villain" he gave a soft smile at the last part "unless you want me to which I can try to do but that might just make you laugh at me and I wouldn't mind hearing that adorable laugh of yours!" he laughed sitting down. He looked at you with his warm eyes making you melt at how soft and kind they were no matter the issues going on he always had the look... a look that would make anyone feel safe and comforted. 

"You know... this won't be the last person that comes into your life and you like them we still have adulthood for that.. so please don't get worked over this one person Dove" he played with his hands "I mean..... I can be the last guy you ever with if you want" he looked down blushing deeply "I might not be what you seem to like but I can change your mind really quickly if that's what you want" he looked up with a soft smile "You know me... you know how I am with you, im never mean... im never rude im always so nice and I treat you how you should be but it seems you don't like that ... I mean I can become whatever you into so I can be with you Dove" you could see the determination in his eyes "Let me show you what it's like to have a guy like you back... what it's like to have a guy want to be around you all the time and shower you with endless love... What do you say, Dove?" He kept looking at you with that look and it made your head spin like crazy.

 You nodded slowly wanting to give him a chance at what he was talking about "really!? you'll give it a shot? that wonderful Dove!" he pulled you into a tight hug "gosh I've wanted this for so long! I've actually liked you since I met you when we were little but I always had this feeling you would never want to be with me but here it is... you do and it makes me happy! it makes me happy to know I finally get to show you how I truly feel about you and how I've always wanted to show you what I can do as your boyfriend... I've liked you for so long and now I have you I can't wait for the future of us... Sir is going to be so excited to know this happened... Unless, no he wouldn't do that would he?" Mirio was in his own little world as he was muttering about Sir Nighteye, you were so used to him doing that it made you chuckle lightly trying to imagine what was going on in his mind other than Nighteye using his quirk on Mirio. 

Mirio carefully had you lay down on his chest also having you look up at the sky "We should come up here more often... it's so nice and just being around you makes it even better" he rubbed your arm softly "I enjoy moments like this with you Dove and I want to make many many more memories and moments to come if you will stay with me to make those with you" You both laid there for most of the day not caring about classes going on, it was just nice to be held by him and to feel how comfortable it really is with him. Mirio turned to look at you as the sun went down "You know Dove you really are One in Lemillion" he smiled one of his famous smiled with a tiny laugh "Im not lying on that" he rolled back overlooking the sky.


(Made some edits to make it more relatable for any gender!) 

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