Calming (Deku X Reader)

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It was finally the day you and Izuku or better known as Deku were finally going to the heroes expo in Tokyo. He asked you about a month ago blushing deeply and studdering the whole time... he even called it a date which made you get even more excited to go to this event. Part of you was terrified to go due to the fear of crowds you've had since you were little but you were too scared to tell him not wanting to ruin something you both liked. You got dressed and went to the living room of the dorms where you both agreed to meet at, you saw he wasn't there but it was fine since you were slightly early. You played with your purse that held the Journal you wanted to bring just in case you saw some heroes you looked up too even though it was mostly All Might yet you saw him every day at school so it wasn't a big deal for you anymore. "Hey there Sweet pea!" you turned seeing a smiling Deku, his whole smile could light up a room when he entered and you felt your heart start to beat fast as you looked at him making yourself smile just as big waving at him excited. "Wow! you look so beautiful today my little Pea... I mean you always look beautiful" he said the last part blushing deeply rubbing the back of his neck looking down trying to avoid eye contact with you. You laughed softly taking his free hand showing him that it was okay as you smiled wider "I can't help myself sometimes when I see you Sweet pea... you just make me so happy... I finally found someone who likes the same thing as me and is willing to go" he squeezed your hand softly. He led you out of the dorms and to the bus station making sure he was behind you to keep you safe from people who could hurt you. "Im so excited you agreed to come with me today Sweet Pea... I wanted to ask you first before I asked one of the guys" He said softly holding your side softly making sure you had balance. He hummed softly as the bus kept going through the city, you couldn't stop blushing as you felt the warmth of his hand on you which made your heart flutter more. You really did like Deku since the first day of school, he was also so nice to you helping you with the quirk you have no idea how to use. Everything Deku did was perfect to you and you wanted to protect him from Bakugo which you did a few times making him bully you after Deku and you didn't mind knowing that Deku would be safe. The bus soon stopped at the station they needed to get off at and Deku led you out keeping his hand on you keeping people from touching you "Don't worry Sweet Pea... I won't let anyone hurt you today" he whispered in your ear now putting his hand on the small of your back "I was thinking we could go ice cream before we went! it's such a nice and warm day.... the suns out and the birds and all the cool wind I just love it!" Deku said happily looking down at you. You both were almost the same height but he had a few inches on you to where you had to tilt your head up slightly just to see into his eyes which at that moment made you blush deeply seeing how green and happy they were today. You had to look away quickly or you would find yourself looking deeply in them again like you did once before that resulted in you two almost kissing but Denki had walked into the kitchen stopping you both from ever having your lips meet. Thinking of that memory made you blush even more as you shook your head trying to get yourself back to the real world and not the dream world you wanted to be in with Deku. Soon you both found an ice cream stand and he ordered for both of you and paying "I remember once you said you really liked Mint cookie dough to Kirishima the last time we all hung out so here" He smiled holding out the cone, he was so proud he remembered what you like.... in secret he actually wrote down things you liked and didn't like so he knew he wouldn't mess up on dates with things you dislike... in fact he had about five pages filled up with little notes and drawings of you as he was truly trying to learn all he could. You both walked hand in hand as you followed the other people who were going to the hero show as well but as you got closer and saw the number of people you could feel your chest tighten up as you started to breathe differently than before. Deku looked down noticing the change in how you were acting "Hey... Sweet Pea... its gonna be alright I promise... as long as you stay with me things will go just fine I won't leave you or let anyone near you" he smiled trying to reassure you. "Just think we will go to these all the time when we become pros! I'll make sure we are together at each show... maybe we can be a cool dating duo that becomes the top heroes?" Deku always dreamed big and it never stopped with each day, Deku made sure he was doing good in school and learning his quirk since he was just like you learning how it works with your body. "Oh, no way! it says here Hawks and Endeavor are gonna have a stage together! did you hear they just started to work together? Now that is sure something I didn't see coming!" Deku was looking at the little book this group of girls were handing out. You kept your eyes locked on Deku smiling softly at how excited he flipping threw the book "There are so many amazing heroes today! No way... Fat Gum! aw man, Kirishima is gonna be so mad I saw him today! unless he came to see him as well" Deku laugh thinking about running into some classmates who would possibly be there. You looked around seeing so many people dressed as their favorite heroes and it made you smile thinking that you too shared the same love and hope as these people. You felt Deku tug your shirt as you looked at him with wide eyes "You alright Sweet Pea?" He asked being close to you so you could hear "Your sweating and your hands starting to get cold... Do you need to sit down?" You just looked at him not sure what to do at that moment as you feel yourself doing the things he said, you just shook your head trying hard not to ruin the day that just began. After hours of walking and meeting heroes, it was all getting to you, you had been holding it in so much you were ready to pop with emotions but you kept thing "I can't ruin this for Deku... this is our first date" was what kept going around in your head. You stayed as close as you could to Deku seeing how happy he was at this even made you wanna push yourself to keep going even with it being so hard to breathe. It was becoming time for most of the heroes to take a break meaning you and Deku would have to go into the bigger part of the building for lunch and the thought of that made you lose control. Tears started to fall as you walked behind Deku holding his back tightly putting your face in it, you where having issues walking but the crowd of people pushing you made you go along with them. At one part someone pushed you hard enough making you break loose from Deku's bag making you trip losing him completely as the crowd made you get farther and farther away from him, you called out but nothing came out of your throat. You saw a break in the crowd that went to an area with plants and you rushed to that part as fast as you could using your quirk to make people not touch you, you rarely used that part of your quirk but the fear of losing Deku was pushing you to do so. You got to the plants and hid in them panting hard from running, you held your bag tightly to your body as you hugged your legs looking for the green-haired boy in the group of people but you had no luck and it made you freak out more. You had no service in the building either with how the building was built making it a great area for villains to attack but you had no time to think of that as Deku was the only thing on your mind other than getting out of this place. You closed your eyes trying to calm down to hear where Deku was but it was so loud it hurt your ears to even try using that part of your quirk. Tears streamed down your face as you felt Deku would never find you and he would end up leaving you alone with all these creepy men, you kept your eyes closed not wanting to see the people when you soon heard a very familiar voice "SWEET PEA! oh no... Baby! please! where are you! please come out!" It was Deku yelling for you and you opened your eyes seeing him look right at you. He rushed to you taking you in his arms "Oh gosh Little pea... you scared me!" he pulled away looking deeply in your eyes, you could see tears forming in his eyes and you could tell he was so stressed and worried "Don't do that again pea... you had me so worried I thought someone took you and I was going to have to fight for you back... did you get hurt?" he quickly checked you over "good not a scratch on you" his hand went on your cheek lightly "no... no, you were crying... no, don't cry I'm so sorry I lost you I'm so sorry!" with that Deku kissed you with slight force, you knew this was his way of saying sorry and to calm you down. The kiss lasted for what seemed to be forever before he pulled away and put your heads together "I was so scared... I almost had to ask the heroes to help me find you.... are you okay? I shouldn't have taken you here today this was too much and too many people this is my fault and I feel horrible I did this to you" Deku sighed looking down "I'm just glad I found you and no one hurt you... I truly have no idea what I would do if you go hurt under my watch... or if you got hurt at all anywhere... no, I shouldn't think of you getting hurt pea" a tear went down his cheek as he sniffed. His hair was blocking his face as you saw more tears fall down his freckled face "I hurt you today by not listening to you or seeing the signs that this was too much and can't believe i did this" he quickly wiped his face "Please sweet pea don't leave me because of this... I promise ill do better next time for a date.... maybe we could go to the park and have a nice lunch" he sniffed looking up "ill do anything to make up for today just for you to stay with me pea" You watched him with wide eyes nodding slowly, you didn't want to lose him either and it hurt you that he felt like he hurt you when you both know it wasn't his fault at all what so ever. You actually had fun just being with him and having his warm touch all day is what kept you going besides his wonderful smile that would push anyone to fight for something "I know I shouldn't cry... heroes don't cry but I want to be a different hero... a hero that shows emotions to the people he saves so they feel like they truly care... I want to be your hero Sweet Pea... let me be your hero and your hero only let me protect you better than did today... let me make you safe and feel like you can do anything... I want you to do what you want and not feel so scared... let me be that person to help you little pea" he stroked your cheek softly. You nodded watching his face light up when you did so "really? you want me to be your hero?" he had the biggest smile on his face which made his eyes light up with joy like a little kid in a toy factory or in this case a room full of limited edition All Might merch. "we should go... I should take you back to the dorms...." he helped you up and pulled you into a soft yet warm hug "I love you little Pea... don't forget that" he chuckled pulling away "Let's go before the crowd starts up again" And with that, you and Deku went back home to the dorms feeling much better and you both had a different feeling towards each other that only the two of you could have that no one in the world could imagine of having.


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