Splash (Denki X Reader)

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(This is another Fic for my friend who is having issues with some pretty toxic friends.. maybe Denki can help?)

You sat there on the train with Denki putting your head on his shoulder thinking about last night's argument with some of your friends. You were destroyed over how it went and the fact of the things you said knowing you possibly made things worse since they didn't reply making you know right off the back you lost a friend. You knew they were toxic for all the things they said and did but you felt obligated to stay with them and let them rip you apart with each lair of you. You let out a sigh and snuggled closer to him hating being on the train for so long but you knew he was taking you somewhere special for your little date. The two of you had been married for only four months and he kept taking you on little honeymoon dates before you both went on your actual honeymoon in a few months that he wouldn't tell you about.

Denki noticed you were sad and it made him feel bad not knowing what it was, he pulled you closer kissing the top of your head softly showing you that he was there for you. "Honeybee.. Why are you sad all of sudden? You weren't like this when we woke up this morning" he pouted slightly. You looked up at him softly and sniffed giving him the look 'tell you later' but really you didn't want to talk about it since you were going to try to have a good day with him and try to get over the issues in your head that kept playing over and over. He was your sunshine and having him sad made it feel like the clouds took over and covered him up with the gloom and you hated when the gloom would take over and take that sunshine from you. Having Denki in your life was the best thing for you since you could remember, he was always there for you when no one else was. He was the one that would be around when it rained and hold you close, the one who would do anything and everything just to make you happy.

Soon the train came to a stop showing that it was time to get off and go to the beach which started to lift your spirits more since Denki loved going to this spot with you since you started to date. You quickly grabbed onto him as you both walked out not wanting to lose him again like the last time but he was quickly found petting a dog which always made you laugh thinking back to that day when he did that. Soon the beach was in your view and you got excited knowing it was going to be a fun little time with him making you want to rush to the water and beat him but you had to find a spot and change. Denki worked on getting things set up making sure the umbrella and towels were laid down perfectly for the both of you even setting up a spot for the picnic basket that he had packed not wanting you to look into. You quickly got ready to swim taking off your clothes and you smiled wide feeling the sun hit your skin making you think of Denki even more. You felt his arms wrap around you slowly "You know Honeybee.. You look even more beautiful in the sun" He smiled on your neck "Let's go have fun" he chuckled pulling away.

You rushed in with Denki all to be tackled by him into the water making you both laugh as the waves hit you both. You laid there looking up at him still laughing when his face got to yours where he kissed you softly showing he loved you and it made you heart race at the feeling of his lips and the love he was showing with it. He pulled away slowly "Sorry I couldn't help it" he chuckled softly helping you up off the sand and got you more into the water. He swam around you making sure nothing would get near you besides the little fish that would nibble at your feet at times making you giggle at how it tickled. It was a wonderful little date with him and you made sure to show him how it was affecting you, you nearly forgot about what had happened the past few days and it was a good sign for you. Being around Denki for long periods of time like this outside of the house always seemed to lift your spirit up to higher levels making it easier to do things.

After time of being in the water you both got out and dried off sitting on the towels getting comfortable as he dug out the food from the basket "We should really go to new beaches this summer.. I have a list of ones to go too thanks to Sero and Kirishima" He smiled wide talking about his friends "We tried to get Bakugo to go to the beach but he just gets all angry and ruins the day for us at times but it's more funny when Kiri tries to get him out of the house" He laughed hard thinking of the memories he had with them before he moved to a smaller part of Japan to keep you safe from the villains in your old town. He watched you eat and smiled softly "You know.. Whatever was going on this morning just know I'm always going to be by your side and help you with whatever you need.. In case you forgot" He put his left hand and wiggled his finger with the ring on it making you blush deeply "It's only been a few months and you forgot didn't you Honeybee" he teased you softly.

The sun started to go down as the long fun day started to come to an end, you helped Denki pack up everything you had packed and took the umbrella back to the rental shop you went too just before going down to the beach. You waited for him to hurry up since it was the last train for the night and you just wanted to get back to your house and cat that you knew would be missing both of you. He rushed up to you taking your hand softly guiding you back to the train getting on once it arrived. You sat close to him putting your head on his shoulder tired from the long day you just had out at the beach. You started to fall asleep as the train and his warmth made you get more tired, you lost the battle with your eyelids and slowly fell asleep.

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