Little Nugget (Hawks X Reader) (Part 1)

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(This one is targeted towards female readers~ Just a heads up!)

There was a soft couple of knocks on the bathroom door in which you were in "Babe? babe? hey... why did you lock the door what's going on? tender?... open the door please let me in... you left breakfast so fast" You heard the panic and worry in your Husband Keigo's voice as he was trying so hard to get in. You carefully unlocked the door letting him in the bathroom when he quickly scooped you up "you're burning up... hey" he stroked your cheek softly feeling how really warm you are "you must have food poisoning... did you eat something bad last night while out with Endeavor?... I swear if he took you somewhere bad and you got sick" you quickly shook your head trying to get him not to get mad. "Did you puke? you had to of puked... god tender why didn't you tell me you've been sick... or maybe you just have a cold it is the spring... were you around anyone sick?"

 You quickly told him no to all as you were suspecting something but you got worried to tell him. "You have been working so hard lately since we got married and you joined his agency... I'm gonna give him a few wor..." you covered his mouth not letting him talk anymore. You were shaking at this point or well had been since you left breakfast so fast, you took your hand away from his face watching him carefully. "So... what's going on then? is there something your not telling me tender..." you carefully grabbed a white little stick and handed it to him watching him freeze seeing it "what's this?" you watched him read it and then look at you " long have you known tender?" his voice was shaky "four weeks? wait you were four weeks late and started to get sick and... wow" he looked away from you not saying anything. You both sat there as he looked at the test and you could feel your heart sink feeling like he didn't want a baby with you.

 Your hand carefully touched his hand that was holding the test and you looked at him "A baby? wow... I didn't think I could do that" he chuckled looking down at you "so what your saying is I have a little nugget coming soon" he set the test down and touched your stomach softly, he moved his hand around lightly as he kept looking down at your stomach "Im gonna be a dad... no way..." you saw tears fall as he went down and put his face in your stomach and he started to cry uncontrollably. 

You never saw this side of him before but you knew exactly why he was crying the way he was and it brought tears to your eyes, you ran your fingers in his long hair trying to comfort him "You have no idea tender... how.. how happy this makes me know... to know I'm going to be a dad" his face didn't move as he continued to cry "This is truly the best thing going on right now..." he laughed while he cried and he pulled you close being careful with you and your stomach. He was like this for some time not leaving your stomach as he kept holding you, he had stopped crying but he wasn't moving as much as before when you noticed he ended passing out holding you. 


After some time Keigo had woken up and he looked up at you with a smile "Sorry I think I just got so emotional..." He sat up and looked at you "this is really happening? we are really going to be parents... I get to be a dad and you get to be a mom and we get to... I finally get to have the family I've dreamed of... I want to give this baby everything I never had... I want to protect this baby with every single thing I have in me..." he cupped your cheeks looking you deeply in your eyes "You are the best thing that's ever happened in my life and you giving me this baby... you truly are.. the best person in the world and I know you will help me become the dad I need to be... we go this and we can do this together... god I love you so much tender.. this is the best thing you could have given me" You hardly ever saw him this emotional. 

The only time you ever would see him like this is when he would wake up from nightmares that he would have almost every single night and you knew what they were from and it broke your heart, even more, knowing he was dealing with all this trauma from his past and now and there was nothing you could do to help or he would let you do.

 You took his hands softly and held them as you looked in his eyes as well, you felt your heart flutter seeing the look they were giving you as his face lit up more "I can't wait to tell Endeavor... tell your parents, oh gosh we get to tell your parents! we get to tell the world!" he quickly stood up and his wings flapped fast as he was getting more excited about being a father all you could do was laugh softly at how cute he was acting. "I get to take our baby up to the clouds and show them the world! I get to teach them everything I know and more and we get to do this all together!


A few months had past and you ended up getting bigger with Keigo's baby. The love he was giving you both was something you were used to but the stuff he was doing now was different from before and it made you even more in love with him. "We have a doctor appointment in a couple of days and I moved some things around where I should be able to make this time... unless hero duty calls like last time" he sighed upset he missed an appointment for the first time. You tried to tell him it was alright that he was missing things that his hero work was just as important that he was not only saving strangers but also you and the baby were being saved by his actions and that would seem to calm him down enough that he wouldn't be as stressed.

 Keigo came to you and put both hands on your stomach "You sure are getting bigger each day" he smiled wide "Oh I can't wait to meet my little nugget.. we find out what we are having right?" he asked excited to learn the gender of the baby. You could tell Keigo was truly ready to be a dad and he didn't hold back on his excitement that, every day he got back from work he would shower you and your stomach with love and whisper so many things to the baby like he wanted it to know everything going on. 

You knew he was the right one for you as the days went on and that you marrying him as you did four years ago was the best thing you had ever done and now having a baby with him was even better and more romantic. The way he was with you now would send your heart into a frenzy unlike any other feeling you've ever had, you wanted this even after the baby was here but you had this feeling he would do just that.


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