Little Feather (Hawks X Reader)

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(This is for my wonderful Friend from discord who has been having some pretty rough days and I feel some Hawks should cheer them up.. love you bb)

You laid there on your bed surrounded by all your college work, you sighed hating that it was the start of the semester and that you already had this much work to do which was already so overwhelming. You played with the feather on your necklace trying to sooth yourself thinking of your amazing boyfriend Keigo who was a pro hero that went by the name Hawks. He gave you one of his feathers so he could comfort you when you needed it at times he wasn't there and at times he would abuse it but we won't go there with that. You felt it move when you started to play with it meaning he could feel you messing with it, it quickly flew to your face touching it softly in a calming way. You relaxed feeling it knowing he was thinking of you too, you felt your phone vibrate seeing a text from him "Is my little feather sad? We talked about this.. Ill be there soon.. just let me finish my meat bun" You laughed hard knowing that he had just got to his favorite food stand that made the best meat buns in the world according to him. You never thought you would be this lucky to date a pro hero but that was until he kept coming into the store you worked at to where he would bring his other bird friend with him which was a mysterious student from UA. He would come in daily just to see you and talk to you when he finally got the guts to ask you out properly and even took on a date. You couldn't stop yourself from thinking about those magical days and tender nights with him holding you close and wrapping his amazing wings around you.

   As you where lost in thought the front door opened "Feather! Hey feather!" Your heart picked up hearing his voice making you jump up and rush down the stairs flying into his arms. He grunted catching you holding you carefully "Well hello to you too Feather" he laughed snuggling close to you. He wrapped his wings around you making you feel safe "Gosh I missed my nugget... HEY! dont touch my wings like that" he looked at you with a look as you touched his weak spot on his wings. You laughed softly getting him good, it was a spot only you knew about that would make him go absolute farale. He picked you up and took you upstairs "You push your own luck Feather... so much... oh books... guess we won't have fun" He said setting you down on the bed carefully. He took off his hero gear getting into comfortable clothes, he moved the books and papers off the bed carefully and laid down grabbing you with him. "So I take it your tired of college already and things are becoming too hard for you?" He asked playing with your hair. You nodded soflty sighing not wanting to talk about how you feel your already going to fail this semester and lose your scholarship you worked so hard for last semester. "You know.. You are very smart and if the college doesn't see that you can always come work for my agency and be by my side at all times and you will never have to worry about the stress of school" He kissed your head softly "But I won't force you to do something you don't or even if college works" he wrapped his wings around you more keeping you close. 

 You both laid there as he talked about his day with some of the UA students and how he could see them becoming the new heroes of the coming up generation. It made you smile as he talked about his days and what he does, he never held back on what he did even with the fact he worked with the LOV but you didn't mind because you understood what he was doing. "I can tell your burned out there feather.. That something is weighing you down and its eating away at you?" he rubbed your side softly "Just know what ever it is you got this and you can make it through.. we all have hardships that make us who we are and we all become stronger from it" He smiled softly "what I had happen to me made me a better and stronger person.. it led me to you now didn't it" he chuckled "well I sorta stalked you for a while.. but you gave me a reason to keep going.. and now I have you and don't plan on letting you go" he gave you his famous wink. He let out a soft sigh "Listen Feather... I know you have so much going on and you don't like to talk to people about it but you need to speak to me about things that bother you.. you need to tell me things so I can help you work them out.. Help you get stronger than you already are.. the fact you have been fighting this long with your demons and you continue to stay shows me how strong you really are and I'm so proud of you... so so proud" He whispered the last little bit.

  So many emotions had hit you with his words that you started to cry. You didn't realise how broken and lonely you where even though you had Keigo with you the whole time. There was a little part of you that kept you from showing everyone how strong you where and it was the demons you started to battle at a young age that never really left you and it made you not know how to express it. He pulled you even closer in his arms and he started to hum one of your most favorite songs that he would for you. He had a way to make you feel so safe and all your issues would melt at times but even then you would get lost in thoughts you could never share with I'm fo you knew it would destroy him to know you had so much pain inside of you. Having him around was one of the big reasons you kept fighting to stay and get better at a pace you could. He never rushed you on things nor forced you to say things you didn't he respected you better than any person you have ever dated and at times it shows with how you reacted towards his affection. The way this man loved you was something so new that at times you wanted to pinch yourself you always thought it was dream and you would wake up, but it soon hit you that it wasn't a dream and he really was yours and you where his feather that he kept tucked away from the world not wanting more harm to you. The world didn't know about you two being together besides the student from UA and possibly one of your friends, it felt refreshing to have this amazing secret tucked away that only you could cherish. You couldn't help but smile thinking of how the public would react if they found out you had been dating the Number two hero for a few years and made you have the same butterflies you did the day he asked you out. So many amazing memories flooded in your head that you didn't want to stop, you never wanted to lose these precious memories and wanted them to stay locked up in your head for only you to relive when you thought of them. "I love you Feather" You heard him mummble before he passed out from his long day. 


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