The Burden of Morgoth

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Many try to tell the tale of how I was discovered after that terrible event, but I prefer Elrond's version best:

As Celebrimbor was struck down in cold blood his everlasting spirit rocketed out of his body, unleashing a scream so ghastly that all of Sauron's minions collapsed to the ground. Sauron simply stood, awaiting the spirit's departure. But this was not the intention of the spirit of Celebrimbor. As Sauron turned around to leave, the spirit channelled forward and stabbed Sauron in the back, through to the heart. This unleashed some of the hatred that Morgoth had placed in Sauron's chest. And although this was but a scratch to Sauron, the hatred that zoomed across the room stayed, as Sauron and his recovering minions left. 

The energy bounced and repelled off the walls until it had gained extreme momentum, energetic enough to burrow into the nearest susceptible target. And that target was Callon, for she was small and lithe, and the easiest form for the ball of Morgoth's hate to retreat to.

The energy slammed into Callon's chest, which instantly ignited a fire within her, as she rose from the ground, thirsty for innocent blood. However, her body was weak and unwell, despite the ball of fire that had jolted her to life, and she would not be sustainable, as her energy and power drained with every step. Yet she still pursued, ignoring her parents lifeless forms on the cold floor as she threw the door open to look upon the fleeing elves of the city. The elves that saw her never forgot her terrible form that day. Witnesses said that her eyes had gone dark, and her face was no longer sweet to look at, as she attempted to crush elves with the foul swoop of her hand.

Fortunately, the might within Callon began to fail as her true self became tired, and she soon fainted in the streets of Eregion. That was where Oropher, King of the Greenwood, who had come to aid the elves, found her. Oropher was wise enough to know this now untainted girl was moments before corrupted with the Burden of Morgoth. He ordered his elves to cage her up, lest she woke again in anger. They started to take her back to the Greenwood, where she slept for days, before Oropher himself became worried of the young elf. He took pity on the elfling orphan, so he sent after Elrond. 

Elrond was renowned for his great healing powers and upon declaring that the girl had a great sickness of Morgoth, he worked endlessly to find a temporary cure. But, the elves of Greenwood were not so content with the sick girl in their possession, as they believed she would corrupt others. So Oropher suggested Elrond take Callon to Imladris; the refuge that Elrond had recently founded. For many weeks Elrond tried to find a cure, but he grew more hopeless after every day. He left her to sleep peacefully on the soft grass garden in Imladris, until Elrond completely gave up a proclaimed it impossible to save her. He intended to give her a proper room to rest for eternity, and set upon one of the ones hidden away by the waterfalls of Imladris. It was large and open to the stars, with a small balcony overlooking the valley and houses below, with various plants weaving along it. 

But as he came to bring her to this room, he noticed that by her pale foot was a weed unlike any other he had seen before. It was a coral blue-green colour and was shaped like a simple elm leaf. Elrond plucked it from the grass and crushed it with some water, then he opened Callon's mouth to feed it in. He had no idea whether this would help or hinder but by this point he was very desperate. After a moment, he saw a quiet stir in her body, not angry like before, but gentle. One blur orb opened after the other and Elrond smiled. He had cured her of the evil, and was very glad, because now he would keep her safe for many thousands of years.


This was the start of my life with Elrond, and though he had no real children of his own then, he certainly treated me like his daughter. It may have been aided when I told him who my parents were. As although he knew Celebrimbor had a child, my father made sure to keep me hidden from the complications of elven society. Over the many thousands of years Elrond raised me, he grew to be very protective of my wellbeing. He never let me go to fight in great battles- for they were often long and bloody, and a great risk considering I was guarding a deadly power inside of me. However, he did let me travel around Middle Earth, and I often travelled to the Greenwood to visit Oropher, and when he died, his son Thranduil. 

And though I did not fight in the Battle of the Last Alliance I heard of the great (and lesser great) deeds of that day, and rejoiced as my enemy Sauron was defeated. Unfortunately, even after the death of Sauron, I was still not cured despite both mine and Elronds best efforts. I still had to repel the evil within me with the Eckleweed that seemed to appear throughout Middle Earth wherever I went. I was very lucky to have been taken into the House of Elrond, as he taught me so much, like the art of healing. And others in the House, like Glorfindel, taught me how to defend myself against the enemy. Though I still secretly studied the Noldor language and the crafts and legacies of my ancestors, Elrond and I were mainly honest with each other and lived in peace over the many years.

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