Chapter Two: An Adventure Awaits

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I woke up well rested and got dressed in my hunting gear. I picked up my bow endorsed with blue ribbons and my quiver with arrows, leaving my knives Noldor and Aulë; I didn't need them for hunting. Elrond had promised me that I was excused from my duties that morning. However, the disruption that the dwarves had caused needed to be dealt with properly at some point. I snuck out of my room, and crept around where the dwarves were sleeping, padding across the corridor.

'Callon.' I twisted around, instantly recognising the voice. 'I know I promised you that you may go hunting, but things have changed since yesterday; we have guests remember,' Elrond said sternly. 

Arguing with him would have gotten me nowhere, and disobeying would have gotten me in even more trouble. Elrond has the power to take away the privileges I have with a snap of his fingers. I am not his real daughter, and our relationship had changed slightly since he has had children, especially when Arwen was born. Not that I blame them, it's not their fault. I was after all a few thousand years older than them too, I needed to act more like my own age sometimes.

'What is it you wish me to do?' I asked.

'Get changed into your dress. You are to look after Bilbo today,' he ordered softly.

'And what of the other guests?' 

'I have a team of elves working on that, it seems you startled some of the dwarves last night.' Good, I don't want to babysit a bunch of reckless dwarves, I thought.

I nodded to him and ran back to my room, changing into my plain white dress. Elrond told me that Bilbo would meet me in my room once he was dressed and ready. I busied myself looking at old papers on the ancient forges that used to run in Gondolin, which were fascinating to study. I could only ever hope to work with a forge as powerful as that one day. Though perhaps such a power would never exist anymore, as I had heard whispers of elves yearning to go back to the Undying Lands.

'It's a sad story.' My eyes shot up to see Bilbo cautiously walking towards me. How he had snuck up on me, I'll never know. 'The one you told last night.' I sensed his fear of me, I had scared him last night.

'Bilbo, you needn't fear me. I did not wish to tell that tale. It's the reason so few people like me,' I said, looking back towards my work. Bilbo came closer, understanding the troubles I had, and held my hand gently. I looked at him abash, elves did not often exhibit such gestures and it was strange, but not offensive.

'Elrond said you would show me around today. Perhaps we could exchange stories,' Bilbo offered, tugging on my arm gently. I couldn't say no to someone so full of wonder, especially since he asked so nicely.

'I'd like that,' I said and gave a small smile.

I took Bilbo to breakfast, before taking him for a wonder around Rivendell. As we walked, he told me of the Shire and all the Hobbits (as they called themselves) that dwelled there, content with life. It seemed so special to me that Hobbits did not think much of the outside world, often undisturbed by such tumultuous events that happened Eastwards. Instead, they dwelt in peace, often worrying over the price of homegrown vegetables and how much cake there was at afternoon tea. Bilbo however quickly grew less interested in stories from his home, and wanted to know more about my life here in Rivendell and how I came to live here. I told him what I had been doing since Elrond had welcomed me to Rivendell when I was a young girl, and how he had raised and protected me.

'Elrond doesn't really seem to acknowledge you as his daughter, he doesn't look at you as the story says,' Bilbo noted.

'Yes, since his real children were born, he was more occupied with their attention. I understood this of course - they were young elflings as I was once. But even when they grew up it was like something in Elrond changed, like he no longer appreciated my company as part of his family. I know things change over time, especially when they're as long as whole centuries. He let me call Rivendell my home and I am glad for that, but most of my contact with him now is through my duties as a member of the council in Rivendell,' I explained.

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