Chapter Eleven: The Battle of the Five Armies

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It seemed like there was a great thunder rolling over the hill that Thorin was glancing at, but it was not so. The dwarves on the wall cheered as they saw their kin - Ironfoot, who were rather displeased at the sight of the elven army. I glanced at Thranduil, who refused to meet my gaze, instead moving ahead to reposition his army. Bard and I followed along to meet him, ready to confront Dain and his army. I had only ever heard of Dain from Elrond, who said he was quite mouthy compared to his cousin Thorin and a fierce warrior. Apparently he was one of the most sturdy of the dwarves and could take heavy hits from his enemies, as if he was made from stone.

'Good morning!' Dain exclaimed in an almost happy tone. 'How are we all? I have a wee proposition if you don't mind giving me a few moments of your time, would'ya consider... JUST SODDING OFF!' he shouted. I raised an eyebrow at that whilst the Company of Thorin cheered their support. 'All of you right now!' This frightened the men and women of Laketown who moved back a bit. It wasn't surprising of course, they would be all but crushed by the dwarves.

'Stand fast!' commanded Bard.

'Bard, you cannot expect them to fight the dwarves - they will be wiped out,' I argued.

'Do not underestimate us, they will fight well.' I simply rolled my eyes in return. Pride alone would not save them. My eyes now followed the wizard who was striding forward to meet Dain, anxious for the conflict to not occur, as open war between elves and dwarves had not happened in an age.

'Come now,' shouted Gandalf.

'Gandalf the Grey,' muttered Dain. 'Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water this ground with their blood.'

'There is no need for war between dwarves, men and elves. A legion of orcs march on the mountain. Stand your army down,' demanded Gandalf, standing to meet the king on his boar.

'I will not stand down before any elf. Not less this faithless woodland sprite, who wished nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open!' Dain threatened. 'And then I'll slit the throat of his dainty little elfling too!' he shouted pointing at me. I looked up, from behind Bard, confused that he had mistaken me as Thranduil's family.

'We'll see if you're still smirking then,' Dain said as he turned back to his army.

'Dain! Wait!' Gandalf shouted after him.

'Let them advance, we'll see how far they get,' Thranduil said.

'Ya think I give a dead dog for your threat, you pointy-eared princess,' Dain retaliated. 'Ya her that lads? Let's give these bastards a good hammering.'

Dwarfish commands were shouted across the army who all chanted in unison.

'Stand your men down. I'll deal with Dain and his rabble. Callon you ride with me,' Thranduil commanded, trotting his elk towards me.

'On your elk?' I asked, slightly shocked.

'No, flying above me on an eagle. Just get on, you're a warrior I can trust,' he reassured me and offered his hand. I looked at it for a second, considering what part I was about to play in this battle. It would certainly not be something Elrond would approve of, or anyone in Imladris for that matter. But I was far too involved to back out now. I took his hand and shifted onto his elk carefully and delicately, being careful not to cause discomfort to the creature. The elk was a soft but strong, and moved with ease and confidence, as if he and Thranduil were one of the same mind. We began to march forward.  

Thranduil gave the first command to his archers to aim at the front line of Ironfoot, who did so by firing in unison. But as they fired, Dain launched a counter-attack consisting of long poles that spun and splintered every arrow in the air, before finally landing and wiping out large groups of elves. The wind that it brought knocked the breath out of me, as the blood sprayed across the field. I looked to Thranduil who was as horrified as I was at the destruction of his people. 

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