Chapter Four: An embarrassing encounter

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For a good minute I sat still, until a voice breached the silence. 'I know it's you. Come down from there.' Perhaps he knew something was there though part of me could not believe that he knew it was me.

'Or are you too proud to make yourself known to me?' Legolas asked, I could sense a smirk pulling at his face. And perhaps I was too proud, I very much wouldn't have come down at my own fruition. I heard a gentle sigh from the wind, or what I thought was the wind, as the branch disintegrated beneath me, causing me to land in a heap of leaves. I heard a soft jog coming towards me, as my head began to clear the dizzy sensation from the fall. My eyes focused on a more gentle looking elf than the cold one before. It was as if we were back hundreds of years ago, swinging from trees and practising our archery.

'I didn't think these years apart would strengthen your pride. Remember that can still get you killed Callon, especially here,' Legolas joked. Clearly he had not forgotten how things had ended between me and his father. 

He offered me his hand and I hesitated, unsure if I could trust this elf like I once did. 'What? Don't tell me you're too proud to even take my hand.' I gave him only a cold stare in response. 'My, my, stubborn as your ancestors, just remember,' he grabbed my hand harshly and hoisted me up. 'You don't have a lot of influence as you once did. Come along, I'm sure Ada would be more than interested to see you again.'

I trudged along unwillingly, stopping outside the great gates of the kingdom when Legolas glanced once last time at the wilderness before us. Then he snapped out of his trance-like state and shook his head, pushing me inside. If Thorin or I could not talk ourselves out of this, Bilbo would be our last hope.

I was lead along the winding corridors of the vast caverns of the kingdom, which were held by the ginormous trees of the Greenwood. These were the last ones untainted by the sickness in Mirkwood, standing tall and firm. It had been centuries since I last visited this place, but I wasn't much looking forward to this encounter with the king. As we rounded another corner he was in front of me, dismissing Thorin to leave him to rot. Clearly negotiations had gone through the roof. Not like I expected Thorin to be smart about this, he was a dwarf after all, and very much driven by pride and emotions. In that way I had much in common with the dwarf-king.

The elvenking turned to me, his silver robes moving with him elegantly, his head was held high by his crown of autumnal leaves. He smiled, as if he were amused by something, that something being me looking less elegant than usual.

'Callon of House Fëanor, what a lovely surprise. It has been centuries since you last blessed us with your presence is it not?' his face beamed at me, though I knew it was fake.

'I found her tracking the dwarves in the forest,' Legolas informed his father.

'Interesting, very interesting. Don't tell me you were seeking revenge after what I said about your family? Leading the dwarves to trespass on my land?' he challenged. I stayed quiet. It wasn't what he said, it was what he did. 'Well then, speak!'

'You must believe me, please. Mithrandir sent me to guide the dwarves through Mirkwood. I never meant for them to trespass, I swear. But they are dwarves and therefore easily corrupted by the forest, they slipped from my guidance and ended up getting attacked by spiders,' I explained.

'I understand that you are still under Elrond's care, last I heard. Why did he let you go gallivanting with dwarves in Mirkwood?' Thranduil asked, dismissing my explanation. It seemed he did not care about the dwarves that much. He could deal with them another time.

'He thought I was ready for another adventure again, something meaningful. I'm also sure you would like to know he gave the dwarves refuge, and didn't keep them prisoner. Please, couldn't you free the dwarves? I'm sure Mithrandir could persuade them to give you what you want,' I pleaded.

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