Chapter One: New Guests

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As I sat by the waterfall I watched as the sun began its descent into the sky, painting it crimson red and a warm orange. I was sat alone, as Elladan and Elrohir had gone with Arwen to Lorien and my close friend Glorfindel was out on business in the Grey Havens. I was getting increasingly bored as most of my company was away. Elrond had ridden out to deal with a patrol of orcs near the border, but he didn't let me come because he thought I should watch over things whilst he was away. Pfft. That was Lindir's job. The only parts I looked after were the trees and the waterfall. My waterfall.

It shone with a silver gleam in the breeze, softly splashing behind me, as I sat overlooking Imladris. I thought it was the most beautiful place here, especially under starlight. But my peace was disturbed when I heard the hurried low murmurings of some travellers.  I looked over the nearby path and saw some short, stubby figures moving below. 'I suppose I best go find out what they want' I thought aloud, it was my duty after all.

I tip toed back behind the waterfall, through the cave to the long crumbled path that ended with a dangerous overhang. I reached out and grabbed a close tree branch and swung myself down, past the council room of Imladris, and past Arwen's high room, landing on Elrond's roof, before descending to the stone floor below. I hurried along the winding paths, moving past other elves who briefly stared at me - it was uncommon to be rushing about in such a serene place. I ran towards the entrance of Imladris, seeing that Lindir had already met our guests. I stood behind him a few steps above and surveyed the travellers. The guests in question were a very odd bunch; I counted thirteen dwarves a halfling and... Gandalf! It had been a long time since I had seen my old friend.

'Ah! Callon! It has been too long,' Gandalf said with a warm smile. The dwarves on the other hand did not look as pleased, and they all glared at me with uncertainty and hatred. Gandalf continued nonetheless, ignoring the scuffles from the dwarves behind him.

'I must speak with Lord Elrond,' his voice was low and grave, I knew he was here for a serious matter, though most travellers were these days.

'My Lord Elrond is not here,' Lindir stated. I walked down the steps to join him.

'Not here? Where is he?' Gandalf questioned. But it was neither me or Lindir who answered, as the great horn of Imladris sounded in the distance; announcing Elrond's return. The dwarves turned in tension as the elves all galloped in circles, surrounding them. The dwarves then raised their weapons in front of them as if they were defending themselves from a horrible beast. The elves continued to circle them, unbothered, until Elrond was at the front. 

'Gandalf!' he exclaimed, jumping off his horse lightly, as his armour shone in the last hours of the sun.

'My Lord Elrond. My friend! Where have you been? ' Gandalf asked in Sindarin.

'We've been hunting a pack of orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the last bridge,' Elrond explained. He then noticed me and Lindir standing behind Gandalf, and gave us the traditional elvish greeting.

'Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders,' Elrond punctuated, switching back to Westron. I knew why he said that so nonchalantly, he knew what had drawn the orcs in. 'Something or someone has drawn them near,' Elrond continued.

'Ah, that may have been us,' Gandalf admitted humbly. The dominant dwarf then stepped forward, still staring daggers at Elrond, though he made sure that he shot a daring look towards me as well. It seemed obvious that he was not fond of elves, and that's before he had even met us.

'Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain,' Elrond spoke slowly. I observed closely. So this was the dwarf that was to be king. 

'I do not believe we have met,' Thorin spoke, his voice gristly and deep.

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