Chapter Ten: A Bargain was Struck

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The next morning Thranduil's army and Bard's men were in position outside the mountain. Thranduil rode ahead on his elk and I rode with Bard just behind him, where we led our horses to the gates of Erebor. Just before we stopped, Thorin sent an arrow before the elk's foot, which startled Bard slightly.

'I'll put the next one between your eyes,' Thorin warned as the dwarves on the wall laughed and jeered. Thranduil simply dipped his head, and thousands of his archers knocked their arrows in unison, aimed precisely at the dwarven king's head. All the dwarves save Thorin ducked under the wall, whilst the king left his arrow aimed at the elvenking, seemingly unphased by this grand display. Thranduil sent a signal to lower the bows, which the archers did so perfectly. Of course Thranduil was one to show off his strength.

'We have come to tell you, payment of your debt has been offered, and accepted,' Thranduil announced. 

'What payment?' Thorin asked. 'I gave you nothing, you have nothing.' Thranduil simply glared at Bard who pulled out the Arkenstone from his pocket. 

'We have this.'

Thorin lowered his bow in shock. 

'They have the Arkenstone. Thieves!' Kili shouted. 'How came you by the heir of our house? That stone belongs to the King!' he continued.

'And the king may have it,' Bard tossed it in the air and caught it. 'With our good will,' he pocketed it again. 'But first, he must honour his word.' Thorin eyed Bard with menace, before he switched his eyes to me, seemingly further enraged by my sight.

'And you, Callon! I see you have switched to the enemies side. Traitor! I knew you lead us astray in the woods,' Thorin accused. 

'No, I'm afraid not Thorin. Perhaps if you listened to me in Mirkwood you would not be in this mess,' I answered back.

'I see how you live up to your ancestors, you play both sides and hold no loyalty but to yourself. Cursed be the House of Fëanor!' Thorin yelled. I stared back silently, no words from my mouth could fix what people thought of my family. Thorin however, after a moment smiled at his nephew Kili, as if he had realised something. 'It is a ruse. A filthy lie. The Arkenstone is in this mountain!' he bellowed. 'It is a trick!'

'It is no trick,' a small voice answered, and I gasped. Bilbo was in danger admitting to such a thing, that was not what he promised to do. 'The stone is real, I gave it to them.' I held my breath, for who knew what the ill king would do next. Thranduil's and Bard's hard looks softened for a second, for halflings were deemed innocent to all races. And though, Bilbo had by rights committed a criminal offence under Thranduil's nose, the Elvenking did not wish to see him come to harm.

'You...' Thorin started.

'I took it as my fourteenth share of the treasure,' Bilbo admitted.

'You would steal from me?' Thorin questioned.

'Steal from you? No. No, I may be a burglar, but I'd like to think I'm an honest one. I am willing to let it stand against my claim,' Bilbo explained.

'Against your claim? Your claim. You have no claim over me you miserable rat!' I shifted behind Bard as Thorin shouted at Bilbo, prepping to jump off the horse.

'What are you doing Callon?' Bard whispered.

'Preparing for the worst. Bilbo cannot be hurt,' I stated firmly.

'I was going to give it to you, many times I wanted to. But..' Bilbo trailed off.

'But what... thief?' Thorin growled.

'You are changed Thorin. The dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word. Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin,' Bilbo said, gesturing to the dwarf's kinsmen.

'Do not speak to me of loyalty. Throw him from the rampart!' Thorin commanded.

'No!' I yelled out before I could stop myself, as I attempted to jump off Bard's horse, though he grabbed me before I could move any further.

'Quiet Callon. Do not do anything stupid,' Thranduil whisper-shouted to me. I nodded to Thranduil distressed, and gripped onto Bard's coat as I watched the horrible scene unfold in front of me.

Fortunately, none of the dwarves seemed to want to do as their King commanded. 'Did you not hear me!' Thorin shouted, lashing out at Fili, who pulled himself away from his uncle. 'I will do it myself then!' he yelled as he grabbed Bilbo in an attempt to throw him over, but the dwarves around him resisted him heavily. 

'Curse you! Curse the wizard that brought you on this Company,' he bellowed madly.

'If you don't want my burglar then please don't damage him. Return him to me!' Gandalf demanded authoritatively, his booming voice filling the valley around the mountain. Thorin, even in his madness, recognised not to dismiss the wizard, and let Bilbo go. The hobbit quickly scurried down the wall to Gandalf. 'You're not making a very splendid figure as King under the Mountain are you?' Gandalf stated, walking forward. 'Thorin son of Thrain.'

'Never again shall I dealings with wizards, or Shire rats!' Thorin yelled, still pacing about his wall. 'What is he waiting for? ' I thought.

'Is the bargain struck then? Will you have peace or war?' Bard asked.

'Why should I buy back, that of which is rightfully mine?' Thorin said, pacing back and forth once again, his gaze upon the hills opposite. He had allies; that is why he did not fear war with the elves.

'Thranduil,' I whispered.

'Shh,' Thranduil silenced me, but I shifted uneasily on the horse, which caused it to become agitated,

'Callon what is the matter with you?' Bard asked.

'Thorin has allies, that is why he is not afraid to face you,' I whispered, but Thranduil tutted and ignored me.

'Keep the stone and sell it, Ecthilion of Gondor will give you a good price for it,' Thanduil suggested to Bard.

'I will kill you! By my oath, I will kill you all!' Thorin threatened.

'Your oath means nothing,' Thranduil retaliated. But again, I shifted on my horse, attempting to look across at the nearby hills for signs of life. 'I have heard enough,' and with that he signalled his archers to aim at Thorin.

'Thorin lay down your arms, open these doors! This treasure will be your death,' Gandalf warned.

'Give us your answer, will you have peace or war?' I asked.

At that moment, a raven flew to the wall, which Thorin acknowledged for a moment as he smiled menacingly.

'I will have war.' 

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