Nicknames, Blood work, and Niall Horan

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Chapter 8

"Simon?" I called. 

 "Yes dear?" he asked, and sat down across from me at the kitchen island. 

"Do you care if I call you Supreme Cosmic Overlord?" I questioned. 

"I do care actually. Don't call me that." he chuckled and took a sip of his tea. 

"You see, that was kind of a rhetorical question. What I meant was, I'm calling you Supreme Cosmic Overlord. It's that or Poophead. Your choice." I shrugged. 

"Supreme Cosmic Overlord it is." he laughed. "You're a good one. I like you." 

"I try." I winked and pulled out my phone. I opened my email, trashing spam. 

"So what do you have going on today?" Simon asked. I opened one message that was marked important, reading it I sighed. 

"Blood work." I groaned and put my head in my arms. 

"Not a fan?" he chuckled. I shook my head. 

"I hate blood. I get so antsy at the sight of it." 

"Bring one of the boys with you. I'm sure they'll make it a better experience." he said and walked away. 

"Bring one of us for what?" Niall questioned, strolling into the kitchen. 

"I have to get blood work done." I shivered. 

"If I've learned anything from getting blood taken is never bring Louis with you. Last time I went, he came and he annoyed the nurse so bad that she stabbed the needle so hard into my arm." he spoke. I giggled and he opened the fridge and took out an apple. "And you have to go 12 hours without eating! No food for more than an hour!" 

"Well, that won't be difficult for me. You on the other hand, well I don't think I've ever talked to you when you weren't eating, drinking, or talking about food. You even mutter things about food while you sleep." I laughed. 

"Well sorry I'm a growing boy who needs nutrition." he huffed. "Wait, you watch me sleep?" 

"No, we're on the same tour bus. I can hear you."  

"Whatever, who are you taking with you?" he asked, dropping the subject. 

"Don't know. You want to come?" 

"Sure, anything for my little Scarlett." he smiled. "Let me change and then we can go." 

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