Fighting on the day we settle in

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I walked around to go and try to find my room. "Where am I anyways? Ugh! This is so confusing!!" I said to myself. I saw BEN and walked over to him. "Hey BEN do you know where room 666 is?" I asked him while looking at his little slip like mine. I noticed we had the same room and he looked at me. "I guess we're sharing..." He chuckled and I just punched his shoulder. "Stop that!" I giggled. I stopped laughing when I heard someone say, "look at those to idiots!! There fucking love birds! Hahaha!!" It was a jock.

Oh how I wanted to walk over to him. BEN looked at me and nodded as if it was ok. I grinned and gave my stuff to BEN as he went to go find our room. I had a lab coat on and then my appearance turned into my uncontrollable self. "Now, what did the fat ass jock say" I cursed at him in a demonic voice. "What did you just say little girl. He lifted the collar of my jacket up and I just laughed. I stabbed a shot on his side and he froze. "Hey! What did you do!?!? I-I can't move!!" He cried. I just kept giggling as if I was a innocent little girl.

I floated up letting my coat rise a bit. My finger caught on fire and I pointed at his head. "Bang" I whispered to his ear. Everyone has ran away from where we were standing. I backed up and started walking away. "Don't let me hear you again....I will put you on your knees begging for your life....." "Y-yes ma'am!!" He said sweating. I put my shot back in my coat and people just watched me walk away.

BEN was in his room unpacking until I opened my door to be surprised by all the video games and notebooks that was on the counters. "Wow, back so soon? How was the fight...." He smirked. "Ugh it was annoying and stupid" I said giving him a peck on the lips.

He smirked and pulled me wanting more then a peck. I laughed and kissed him again. I whispered, "I love you" BEN chuckled and in between kissing he said, "I. love. you too" we stopped kissing eventually to meet another boy standing at our door way. "Ha! sup homie! Whatcha want?" BEN obviously knew him but I had a feeling I read about him. "BEN who is this....and this is my room" he showed BEN his slip and it read the numbers '666'. His voice was deep but not as deep as BENs voice when he breaks a game.

"Uh....what's your name?"

"It's Jeff, Jeff woods..."

He pointed his knife at me. He was wanting a answer. "Who are you?"

"I'm Sky, Sky Surgeon...."

I said teleporting in front of him and shaking his hand. He sort of jumped which I giggled at but then teleported over to the TV. I bent down and hooked it up to BENs Xbox and started to play.

~~20 minutes later~~

I paused the game and told the boys that I was going to take a shower. They both nodded and BEN grabbed his controller that I was playing on. I walked out the door and it was silent but kids were still walking by. I stepped out but then ran into a guy with a blue mask on, black pants and a black hoodie.

"E-excuse me! I'm sorry!"

I apologized.

"Eheh it's ok.....wait? Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Oh no, we never met before! I'm Sky, Sky Surgeon!"

"Uh I'm eyeless Jack, but call me Jack or EJ"

even though he had a mask on, I bet he was smiling.

"Well I'm going to the girls bathroom, sorry for running into you Jack! See you later sometime!!"

I giggled and walked straight then upstairs. I saw a girl being chased by these angry boys. She was running at me. "Oh no not again" I thought. She hid behind me not even looking at me and then it started again.


"Help me please!"

"B- Ugh fine, follow"

I started walking up to the guys and they backed up a bit noticing my black cape and deep red bleeding eyes. I was colorful and looked all happy-go-lucky but I really wasn't I was dark and powerful, more powerful then the SlenderMan or Zalgo. "You better leave her alone....or else...." I said cracking my knuckles and neck.

"Or else what clown"

I chuckled and another one of me appeared. One of me was, well me, and the other one was black and white with a Devils tail and red bloody horns.

"Or I'll put you to sleep, so 'you better start running before you meet your terrible fate'...."

Both of me's said holding multiple shots in our hands. Some of them just backed up but some stepped forward. I whispered to the girl to go to my room '666' and she ran off.

"You just let her go, now you asked for it...."

He charged at me and I simply just shot him with a colorful shot. I pressed down giving him a color of light blue. He froze. He didn't say anything either. He just stood still shocked.

"Anyone else!?"

I said happily but really creepily. They shook there heads and all ran taking there stupid ass friend with. I laughed and went to the showers.

.....This was going to be some long years....

The beginning of college - creepypasta taleWhere stories live. Discover now