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((This chapter is longer then the others! I couldn't help it!! 😷💉))

It was in the middle of the night when I woke up. BEN was on his bed, Jeff was on his own bed and jinxter was on the end of my feet. He was sound asleep. I only had black shorts and a 'black veil brides' shirt. My hair was a darker green when I wasn't up and going. I kissed BEN, Jeffs and my new pet-friends head. The 3 all smiled, that made me smile too.

A huge alarm went off which woke everyone up and people went out there doors. I jumped and BEN, Jeff and jinxter woke up immediately with scared faces.

"Hahaha it's just the alarm for college guys!!" I said.

"Awww! Five more minutes!!"
BEN whined, rubbing his 'eyes' yawning.

"Wake me up in- let's say until I feel like it" Jeff said sternly.

I giggled and got dressed while the boys got up and turned to get dressed also. BEN did a quick change and grabbed a green, glitchy book bag full with things. Jeff, jinxter and I all have our things we need also. Jeff had a bloody red bag and I had a hospital book bag with shots and things that were for surgery hanging on my bag. My bag was bloody also but you could still see the white.

We walked out the room and sighted, we all went to the same class so it wouldn't be that hard, but we only had about 3 classes which we were separated.

Me and Jeff had the first class together. We even picked the closest seats together. Jeff got a frog that he had to cut open, he was grossed out but I did all the work for him. I saw the kid that I ran into yesterday night. It was Ej! I waved at him and he waved back.

"Hey EJ! What's up?"

"The sky, haha nothing...I like this class!" EJ said excitedly.

"Haha yea I do to!"

We both whispered talked quietly. Me and EJ were on each other's sides. It's like I just made a very close 3rd friend! He took all the organs and stuff out without making a mess. I was surprised! I tried to do that same thing and it became a tad bit messy but not so messy like how Jeff kills his victims. I giggled at my thought.

"What?" Jeff looked straight at me.

"Oh nothing...." I smiled at him and he looked down at my hands. They were covered in lots of blood from looking at the insides.

"Oh wow..." Jeff said. I laughed quietly and the bell rang. We all took off our gloves and washed out hands. Me and Jeff just washed our hands the same time while everyone just waited for the sink.

We grabbed our stuff and walked out going to our next class. I was with jinxter this time.

"Bye Jeff, see you later!"

"Bye Sky...."

I gave him a quick hug and ran off going to math. "Ugh math" I said. "At least I'm smart....." I thought. I sat at a empty desk and a guy threw his stuff on it.

"Hey, you better move your ass out of my seat..."

The guy said. I was already sitting. "Fuck off, I don't know you and you don't want to get in a argument with me" I said sitting back in my chair. My voice has gotten deeper from this morning. I saw jinxter walk at the back of the room.

"Ok look, if you get out of my seat," he cracked his knuckles. "Your going to die, but if you do move, I won't hurt a cute thing like you"

"Ha that's if-," I teleported behind him and shot him with a yellow color. "YOU can move...." I laughed and he just stared. He was paralyzed. Jinxter chuckled from the back of the room sending chills to everyone. My hair turned a lighter green which means I'm going insane. My principle, which is Mr. SlenderMan, came in and I moved his stuff to the front of the class where he WILL sit. "There we go, happy now!" I said flicking the guy in the head. He growled and I snapped at him. "You better not start it again" I said in his mind. "I WILL control you"

"F-fine..." He said shaking like he saw a ghost.

Mr. S just sighted and sat down. "Miss surgeon, come here for a second" he said. I walked over to the desk. I heard some whistles and chuckles on the way.


"May I ask what happened to Mr. Blade"

"Well he just said move or I'll die, so I paralyzed him..." I said getting more insane. I took a shot and stabbed it in my neck. Mr. S was 'looking' straight at me.

"What did you just inject your self with..." He said.

"It was- so I don't-" I sighted. "It's for my gets to- I get out of control...." I said while my insanity starts to go down.

"Yes, yes I see. you may get back to doing your math Miss. Surgeon" Mr. S said. I went back to my seat and did all of my math.

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

The bell had rung and I was in video gaming class, with BEN of course. I smiled as I messaged BEN to play "Slender: The 8 Pages" with me. He nodded and went to the game. I had collected 5 pages already and BEN has 5 also. The teacher was gone because she was sooo into this one kid not doing anything. BEN saw slender and screamed like a girl. I busted out laughing like the rest of the class. He laughed hard too. "W-WHAT WAS.....T-THAT.....FOR!!" I said in between laughs. He shrugged and smiled.

"I did it on purpose!"

"Yea right! You got scared of him!"

"No I didn't!!"

"Yes you did!"

"Ok ok I did!"

We both laughed and the bell rang.....again. I sighted in relief. "Finally! I'm starving!" I said running out the door. BEN followed me close behind. Jeff and jinxter was already sitting at the table waiting for me and BEN.

"Ugh finally you show up! What took you two so long!! I'm starving!" Jeff whined.

"I am too!! Now let's get food!!"

We went in the cafeteria and got some food. When we were done we sat down and ate our food that we got from the foot court. "Ok! Let's eat!" I said bitting down on a victims arm that the workers got from killing.

"Holy crap....I never saw anyone eat like me before!" It was EJ. He sat down and what he said, I think he was talking sarcastically.

"Well duh! I'm a canibal! I eat people...." He looked at me dumbfounded.

"Well sorry....I didn't know...." He sat over by BEN and me. Jeff sat across from me with jinxter on his left and a girl sat down by Jeff on his right. Jeff looked at her.

"Who the hell are you" Jeff said

"I'm a friend of sky's!" She said looking at me, smiling.

"Um, do I really?"

"Yea I'm the one girl that got, chased, by those, um, guys...." She looked down a bit but then looked back up.

"I'm bloody-hearts but just call me BH" she reached her hand across the dark brown, wooden table. I shook it.

"Uh hey?"

"Wait, what's your name?" BEN said looking up and swallowing the rest of his food.

"It's bloody hearts....or BH...." she said again.

~~~~TIME SKIP!!~~~~

It's the end of college for this day and I'm super tired. "omfg, I'm in my room" I said jumping on my bed. Back first. It felt nice laying on my bed again.

"At least We're done with homework!" Jeff and jinxter said.

Me and BEN had non since we finish up real quick. Our minds are like cheat codes, we talk to each other in our minds to get the answers and we get them all right.

I started falling asleep and BEN, Jeff and jinxter all fell asleep. Including BH and me.

I fell into a deep sleep.

The beginning of college - creepypasta taleWhere stories live. Discover now