School shooting 2

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It was dark. I sighted and ran to him. He was one of my 'friends' that annoyed BEN, he hated dark about, 274 years ago. If I'm correct.

"Sally get over were Jane is and all the girls get behind!" BEN said looking at the girls and also me. I smiled and got everyone behind me.

I had a sharp pain in my leg and fell on my butt. "God DAMIT!" I whispered-yelled. I didn't dare to look at anyone, they just looked at me. BEN ran over to me and blood was leaking from my leg. "Ah! Shit" I didn't want to tell them what happened. 'If I tell them I snook out, there going to kill me!?!' I thought.

"Sky what's wrong with your leg!?" BEN whispered-yelled back at me. I didn't look at him, or anyone for a fact, but he just put a finger under my chin, and made me look up.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as my face stayed straight, not mad, not sad, not even happy. It was nothing. "I didn't mean too...." I mouthed to BEN. Jeff got the idea and went towards me. He picked me up bridal style and set me on the nearby couch. BEN growled but followed. The girls went towards the window and the boys were blocking the doors that lead, out side, left room, and the right room.

People were getting in my head. "Stop...just stop..." I said holding my head.

'But we need you'

"I SAID NO!!" I screamed. Everyone heard me and my stitchings started to come out letting my mouth go as wide as Jeff's. I screamed and BEN put his hands over my mouth noticing the strings too.

"Who's Doing this to you Sk-" we then heard a loud siren. Like the one from the movie "The Purge". It was different, it was faster and louder. I heard faint voices and saw BEN in front of me, worrying while EJ stitches my leg gash. The gash was about 10 inches down my leg.

Someone pushed through the door and it was 2 girls. One girl was wearing dark clothing and a mask. The other girl was wearing these fashion type clothes. The boys pointed there weapons at them while they close the door shut.

The first one was holding a fire sword and the other one was holding a knife.

"We won't hurt you!" The first one said.

"W-we thought this was a empty room....S-someone said it was! We're sorry, we j-just wanted to get away f-from those freaks out there!!" The second one said shyly.

Jeff knocked them both out cold. Jane started going off on him about not knocking them out.

"How wa I supposed to know, bit-"

"Don't you even dare you leathered face freak..."

" 'DONT' wanna go there...Miss. Perfect ass" Jeff growled at her. BEN and EJ both separated them. One got Jane and the other grabbed Jeff.

"Great job Jeff...."

I said and passed out like the other two girls.


I awoke, started by my dream. The two girls were sitting were I was but strapped together. I wasn't at least.

"Why are you doing this! I just said I was Brianna, I DONT work for anyone and I'm not one of those guys out there!"

"S-she's right....w-we didn't d-do anything...!" The girl with the fashioning clothes said. The girls looked at me and smiled.

"Oh, sorry, did we wake you up?" Brianna, I supposed, said looking directly at me.

"W-we're really sorry miss...we d-don't mean any trouble, I'm Abby by the way...." she said shyly again. I smiled and tentecals went out of my back, uniting them. Jeff growled and got closer to the two girls with knives to there necks. The shy one sort of yelped while the other glared.

"You try anything, I WILL kill you and I WONT....hesitate to...." Jeff said and Abby nodded while Brianna looked away.

"I said...TRY ANYTHING AND I WILL KILL YOU! GOT THAT!!" He yelled in Brianna's face. A tentecal came over by jeff and slapped him.

"No! Don't be mean Jeff, or I'll take you down...." I said more lower then him. He growled and walked over to the kitchen grabbing a soda.

We heard slender talk again.

"Student of SlenderCollege, we have found the victims and will now be "ahem" may come out of your rooms now. Thank you student"

We all smiled and I stood up. I flinched in pain as I did on the way, but eventually got to the door. Everyone was behind me and waiting for me to get out first since I was hurt in the leg.

"Are you two new at this school...?" I said looking at Brianna and Abby. They both nodded and Brianna shook my hand.

"It's nice to meet you miss. surgeon" she said. I smiled and saluted her. After all, I was in the army so I was strong. "Oh your in the military! Aren't you!" She said once more to me.

"Sort of...I was in the military...." As BEN looked at me, his wide mouth like the rest. I laughed and held my leg up. "Oh my Zalgo this hurts....worst then getting shot right by my collar bone!"

I said and laughed again. BEN ran to me and looked at my arm. There was a bandage across my collar bone. "ooo....your lucky...I would of killed who ever shot you...." BEN said looking right into my eyes.

I smiled and pecked BENs lips making him make a face. I laughed once again and everyone did to. 'At least we're all happy again'

'Yes child, that's what I wanted to hear from you'

Slender said in my mind. I kept smiling and walked down the halls strongly with everyone else behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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