Acquaintances to friends

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Disclaimer:The dialogue in the original manga is different than the one that'll be written here.This is due to a different group of translators handling the translation in my country.The context is more or less the same,so it's not that big of a deal,but I thought it would be easier to clarify it here then to explain it in the comments or down the line.With that out of the way let us get into the story.

"It all starts here Eijirou.It all starts here."Kirishima thought looking at his dream school.All of this still felt unreal to him.He even pinched himself on the way over a few times to make sure this was really happening.He made it.He got into UA and now he was going to pave his manly path to becoming a hero.It felt like turning over a new leaf.Starting a new chapter,with a fresh head of red hair to accompany it.That decision was the reason his parents refused to give him a ride.However,to Eijirou it was an absolutely crucial change.It symbolized his vow to a new life with no regrets.From this day onward,he was going to be a hero who protects others and never backs down from a fight or a challenge."What's up with that hair?!"came a high pitched,sqeaky yell behind him.The redhead turned to see his old schoolmate,Mina Ashido.

She was wearing the usual female UA uniform.A grey blazer,red tie,dark blue skirt,white under the knee stockings,and brown shoes.Her black and gold eyes wide in shock,her mouth a gaping black hole of suprise.Her expression quickly changed to a more curious and smiley one,as her tone changed to peppy and inquizitive "Is that for our high school debut?You got horns just like me!".

Eijiro was suprised at how happy she seemed about the apparent resemblance.He was a little conflicted about it.It was true that he admired her a lot,and it made his new appearance stray away from what,he was sure was a copyrighted look ,that belonged to Crimson Riot,but he wasn't sure that copying your crush was all that manly.If anything,it would make him even more stuck in his past.But she was the one who made him realize the flaw in his methods,so he settled on keeping it.Besides,at that point he was already out of the house,so he wouldn't be able to make it decent again,in time for orientation.But knowing Ashido was in the same school,and probably class,with him,a thought that hadn't crossed his mind,even while they were taking the exam together,he was feeling a little self concious about that choice.What if she was mocking him?What if she asks him why he decided to incorporate horns into his new hairstyle?This topic needed to be closed and it needed to be closed now!"Darn right!Don't touch 'em,though!"he said more hostily than he had intended.As dumb as that was,he preceeded to say something even more dumb.

"No regrets for me.Not anymore.I'm ...gonna be a hero who protects others."he said,before realizing what he had just done.He just spilled his soul to a stranger.Ok,an acquaintance.A really pretty,brave,flashy acquintance who he looks up to,but still.He needs to backpedal.Now!.Her face of pure confusion only amplified the feeling that he messed up."Say goodbye to the old,pathetic me!!"he said stomping away in what he was convinced,was an immensily embarassing manner,when he heard her speak up behind him"Kirishima.That day...That really hit you hard,huh?".He gave her a sideways glance,and her expression supported her concerned tone."Yeah.Sorry.".Despite the newly somber mood of their conversation,Ei felt a bit relieved.It was good to tell at least someone about his feelings,even if that someone would probably never talk to him again.That was until she ran over and started hitting him with her fists.He quickly made an attempt at shielding himself and his hair to only partial avail.

"You're still a bundle of nerves!"she yelled,continuing her assault as Eijirou questioned her actions outloud"Ow!That...doesn't hurt!!But what the heck?!".She stopped and took a few steps away from him,putting one hand on her hip,and a small smirk on her face"The old you's not going anywhere with that emo look on your face!"she said leaning towards him slightly,a finger over her beaming grin.She continued further by saying:"When you overcome that gloomy self of yours let me know.Or else I'll start spreading rumours about High school debut
man.It's gonna be fun.".Eijirou smiled.Well,that should be motivation enough shouldn't it?"Thanks."he said smiling at her.","Anytime."she said,with a smile of her own.And that's the day they became friends.

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