Battle training and revealing costumes

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Mina was a bit...surprised,not unpleasantly, necessarily,but it was fair to say her costume wasn't exactly what she expected.It was way more skin tight than she thought it was going to be,and the vest didn't go along with the look like she thought it was going to go,and the boots had a bit more metal components than she expected them to have,but it didn't look bad.All together it looked ok.But it would be hard to judge the costume without testing it.Which is exactly why she ran out the door before the other girls were done with getting dressed.

There was a small problem that arose when she made it to her destination,though.She had reached terminal velocity and was now unable to stop herself,hitting an unfortunate bystanders back and falling onto the ground in the process."Ouch.","Ashido,you okay?".She opened her eyes to see Eijirou Kirishima standing over her with a concerned expression."Kirishima .Yeah I'm fi..."she said before her eyes fell onto his abs.

His really well developed abs.His abs that could cut glass."Stop staring.End sentence.Now."said her conscious.And she listened, looking up from his chest.""she said getting up."And thankfully my spine didn't break.Anyhow your costume's a bit...revealing."she noted swallowing hard."Oh,yeah.It's because of my quirk.My body hardens,so unless I wear something like this I'd pretty much rip up my entire costume.","I see.","So your costume also leaves...very little to the imagination."

"Why,Lord?Why!?""Eijirou thought.Seriously, it's like the universe was trying to mock his attempt to move on from her.What he said was very true,unfortunately enough.The body suit was skin thight and if that wasn't enough,the cleavage was so visible that,even though he was in no way trying to see it,it was still there.Torturing him with its mere exsistence.His eyes shot up to her horns to stop himself from violating her more than he already had."I guess it does.It wasn't exactly what I imagined,to be honest.But I guess sex sells.","Yup.Sure does."he said nervously."So what do you think the excersise is going to be?","Well,considering the fact we're in costume and on training grounds,probably something combat related.","Sounds fun.","Yeah,can't wait."

After the training

"So,that first round was crazy,right?","To be honest all of the ones after that felt a bit underwhelming.No offense.","None taken.I mean,me burning Aoyamas cape isn't nearly as entertaining as a guy litterally running away from explosions,while his partner uses a support pillar as a baseball bat.Seriously,If I could somehow engrave every moment of that into my brain,I would.","That is the weirdest thing I ever heard someone say.If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes,I would probably call you crazy.","Trust me,you'll call me crazy anyway.But,what you said is true.A couple days ago I would've never thought I'd see something like that.","Yeah.It's unreal how good most of our classmates are.","That's all the more reason for us to try harder.","Yeah,but..."he stopped himself when he saw the smug look on her face."Was that a pun?","Yes.Yes,it was.","That was low.","I know.".And with that,the akwardness kind of...faded away.Slowly but surely,the two clicked and relaxed with eachother.And that formed a close,platonic bond.But God knows it didn't stay that way.

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