Unexpected shippers

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"Hey, Aoyama."Ashido said ,walking into her ecentric friends room."Ah,mademoiselle Ashido.Welcome.","Thanks.So what did you call me over for?"she asked."Well I wanted to talk to you about good old .... amour.","You mean love?I thought it was about the preformance we're putting on for the cultural fest.But this is waaaay more interesting."she said climbing onto Aoyamas bed with a grin.

"Oui.","So is it about Uraraka and Midoriya?","Non.","Jiro and Kaminari?","Non.","Todoroki and Yaorozu?","Non.","Then who?","You and Kirishima."

"W-Wha?"Ashido stuttered,her cheeks going lilac.She chuckled"That's insane,dude!"she said nervously."Is it amie,is it?","First off,I can understand your French up to a point,but not completely,so could you use Japanese,please?","Fine.","Secondly,yes it is.We're just friends.","Friends who call eachother by first name,and tend to make dirty jokes with eachother,and also worry about eachother way more than friends do.","Ok the first two are true,but how did you get to the third conclusion?","I read your diary.","You what!?","The room wasn't closed and I let myself in.The notebook was open and you expected me not to read it?","YES!","Oof,touchy.Anyhow,and what you wrote there was quite intriguing.Not to mention your reaction when he told you about his ultimate move.","What about my reaction?","You seemed like you were trying really hard not to think about something and make it appear you weren't overthinking it at all . And if I may make an educated guess to what that something you were thinking about was,I'd wager it was his manhood."

Minas face went ablaze almost immediately ."I..I..D-did .."she said trailing of .Ok,so when she realised he could turn his entire body unbreakable,her thoughts may have wondered in that direction.But only for a few seconds.Ok,maybe a minute.But that's it."I mean when someone...says that...one...naturally wonders.","Aha.Sure. And you blushing means absolutely nothing.","Of course it doesn't !"she yelled,face flushed.


"Ok,Sero our job here is done."Kirishima said high fiving his raven haired friend."Yeah.Go us!Anyway,can I ask you something Kirishima?","Sure,man.What is it?","Do you like Ashido?"the tape hero asked matter of factly.

"Huh?W-Why would you ask something like...that?"the redhead asked the color of his cheeks mirroring that of his hair perfectly."If your face is any indication I guess the answer is yes."Sero said with a Cheshire cat-like grin."And I'm asking because you seemed to give her that lovestruck sort of look while she was teaching ,or more accurately,trying to teach Midoriya how to dance.","And how would you know what a lovestruck person looks like?","Dude,I'm friends with Kaminari and that guy is in love with a different girl every week.","True.But that was a look of admiration,not love.","Yeah,right.And you sitting next to her in remedial lessons,even though you're on good terms with everyone who was there,except Monama,of course,and you hugging her when you and Todoroki were leaving to save Bakugo...","How do you know about that?","Aoyama.","Oh.Makes sense.That guy is like...everywhere.","I know.So .... Admit it.","Fine.I like her.","There.Was that so hard?","No.So what do I do now?","Leave it to me,dude,leave it to me."

Time skip brought to you by Sero being the class psychologist

"Monsieur Sero.","AHH!Aoyama,what the heck !?It's 2 A.M!","Sorry.Is operation Kirimina a go?","Yeah.Why did you name it that though?","It's a secret.","Great.Now get out of my room."

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