First name basis

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"So how's your ultimate move going?","Pretty well.I mean I have a really high tolerance to my acid,so getting burnt isn't really a concern.","So you can go all out?","I mean I don't really mind being naked,so yeah.Uhh...Kirishima,you okay?"she said noticing his expression of complete disbelief and terror.Almost as if the most horrifying possible revelation dawned on him."Yeah,yeah...I'm fine...ha,ha....ha...But what do you mean by naked?"he said giving her an off grin"Don't you know what naked mea...","I do.It's just would you get in that situation?","Well if I aim my acid wrong it will melt my clothes right of me.","Oh........Thanks for the clarification."

"No prob.How's your move going?"she asked with utter nonchalance ,almost as if she didn't see any awkwardness in talking about her clothes getting melted straight of her."It's going okay.I need to work on fighting smarter,not harder.But I'll also need to push how hard I can get...","I don't know what your cock has to do with anything,but you do you.".Eijirous face went ablaze."Ashido that's not what I meant and you know it!"he yelled .She snorted and chuckled"I know,I know.But your face was priceless.","You're such a sadist."he muttered.She grinned at him and shrugged.

"You know what?"he said.
"What?","Considering we're both comfortable with you making dirty jokes,maybe we should start calling eachother by first name ."he said casually,before he noticed her confused expression."If you don't wan...","No,no I do."she said flailing her hands in front of her face,and if he didn't know better he would say her cheeks got a darker shade of pink."I mean we kissed once and we're still comfortable with eachother so...Yeah,sure.","Great."

Kirimina -the fulll storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin