Special moves and realizations

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"So....Ashido..."Hagakure started,in a tone that would make even Kaminari think that the invisible girl was up to something."Yeah?"Mina asked,raising an eyebrow at her invisible friend."You and Kirishima.What's that about?","What do you mean?"the pink girl asked,the heat in her cheeks rising steadily.Toru smirked,or at least Ashido assumed she did considering the topic of the conversation they were having."I mean you two are oddly close for"just friends"don't you think?I mean you insisted that he  be shirtless during our performance for the cultural festival.","Pft!Toru ,pleaaase!That's just being practical!","Riiiight....And that nervous grin on you face means nothing at all.","Of course not.","How about today,then?"

"What about today?","Well,you based your special move of of him,didn't you?","Right.","And you leaned in while telling him that's the case,right?","I-I did not!","The blush on your cheeks says otherwise."Toru said in sing-songy voice.Mina pouted,rolling her eyes."Ok,so I did.What of it?"she asked."Weeeeell......People base their special moves of of people they admire,correct?","Correct.","Thus,you admire him.","Yeah.But how does that prove I like him romantically?","Well you could have just walked over to him and told him that,but instead you leaned in.","You think I did that because I wanted an excuse to be close to him?","Yup.I mean there was plenty of space,and I think he could hear you just fine even without you getting into his face."

Ashido thought about it.Now that she thought back on all their interactions the invisible heroine was partially correct.All their interactions since the first day of UA could be seen as romantic.The kiss,the hug,her worry for him,calling eachother by first name.Any of those things would be obvious signs to her that one of her friends liked a guy,let alone all of them.She fell onto the bed and buried her face in the pillow once the realization hit.She likes him.She liked him since day one.Ok,she will officially never call Jiro or Uraraka oblivious again."Oh my God.I like him,don't I?","Yup."

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