Accidental first kiss

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"So how's studying with Bakugo?"Mina asked as her and Kirishima sat in a cafe.They were having a small break from studying for their finals."Well,it's really loud,pain inducing,and a constant endangerment to my mental and physical health,but aside from that it's great.I feel like were really bonding ,you know.","Now it's official.I'll never understand men."she said rolling her eyes,with slight endearment."And how's studying with Yaorozu?","Aside from her weird love of studying and more than confusing opssesion with tea,pretty good.","So it seems we got the written portion in the bag.","Cheers to that."she said raising her cup.

They clanked their cups."I mean let's be honest,that's the only thing standing between us and sweet summer camp heaven.I can already imagine it.Nice forest setting,fairy lights,truth and dare and beatiful,precious,rest and relaxation."Mina said leaning back in her chair with a dreamy expression."Uh,Ashido I hate to burst your bubble,but you're forgeting one little detail.","What's that?","The practical.","Pfft.That,my dear friend,is a foregone conclusion.If Kendo's correct we'll be fighting against robots,just like in the entrance exam.Which means easy win for us.","I guess.I'm surprised she even managed to tell us about it with Monamas grudge against us.","Yeah,he really hates us.","And all thanks to Bakugos speech.It's still kind of unmanly of the guy to hold a grudge against all of us just because of Bakugo.","And 100.","One hundred what?","The hundredth time you  said the word unmanly.By the way,manly is leading by fifty in frequency .","You counted ?","Yup.It's like ninety percent of your vocabulary .","You have some weird habits too,you know?For example your relentless matchmaking.","I wouldn't say relentless,more like...dedicated.","Aha.Sure....You totally don't have a problem.","Of course not.","And you trying to matchmake Jiro and Kaminari during your study sesh doesn't prove it's an obsession at all."

"Ok Mr.I use one word way too much,may I propose a little bet?","Sure.Name it.","We'll play a little game.If I win,you won't use the words manly,unmanly,manliest and manliness for a week,but if you win I won't matchmake or fangirl over any possible couple in our class for a week.","Interesting.But what game will we be playing exactly?","Pocky.","And where would we get pocky sticks?"Eijiro said looking away from her.Ok,he's got this.This is totally fine .It's not as if she has them on hand or something."Oh,don't worry.I have them in my bag.".Oh."Do I want to know why?" ,"Probably not."she said reaching into her bag and pulling out a small box with pocky sticks.

"Ok,so you know how to play pocky,right?","Would I suggest a game I don't know how to play?","Good point.".They took a stick and started.It was all fine,at first anyway.Mostly because they were too focused on not dropping or breaking the stick to be embarrassed.However the more of a draw the game seemed to get,the more hyper aware of the situation they became.And the need to fill the silence with chit chat appeared."You wanna have another round after this?","Yeah it's looking like a draw at this point."(*authors note:I don't know people who play pocky sound when they try to talk,so I opted for the easy route.Back to the story).They were inches from eachothers faces,so much so that their breaths mixed a bit,and their noses touched."One of us will have to tilt their head.","Maybe we should both do it?","That works too I guess.".They did  so and not long  after it happened.Their lips touched.It lasted only a few moments,before the two broke it,by jerking their heads back so forcefully that a piece of pocky was sticking out of both of their mouths"So...draw?","Agreed.We both do our part of the bet.","Sounds good to me."

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