"Are you okay?" ,"I've got a long way to go."

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A/N :This is it .The crushing phase starts here.This is a big deal.So hopefully I don't screw it up.Fingers crossed.Also get comfortable this will be super long.

It all began when Ashido realized she forgot something  back in the classroom.It was her bag and all her books  were in there,and as lazy as she was,she knew that she couldn't afford to have Aizawa scold her...again.She got changed and got to the classroom door.Just as she was about to open it,Mina heard Mr Aizawas voice.

"Hey Fatgum.Yeah,I'm good.How are Tamaki and Kirishima doing?".The Ripley heroines eyes widened, as she removed her hand from the door handle.What was their sensei talking about?She didn't want to eavesdrop,but it was like giving a cat a ball of yarn.She just had to do something about it.So she pressed her ear against the door.

"Kirishima's still in a coma,huh?I swear that kid has more courage than sense.Is he stable at least? Oh...We should wait and see.I'm not telling the rest of his class,are you insane?They have potential,but they're still kids.They'll start panicking within minutes if they found out.They're already worried as it is,this would just make it worse.Yeah,see ya tommorow ."

Ashido stood there in shock,rapidly regretting her decision to listen in.She couldn't believe it.She knew these work studies were dangerous and that she probably shouldn't be suprised,but still.It didn't make the discovery hurt any less.She held in her sobs slowly retreating.Then the door opened.And Aizawa gestured for her to get in.

Few minutes later

"How much did you hear?", "All of it.I'm sorry Sensei.I didn't want to listen in,but curiosity got the better of me.I'm so sorry.","What's done is done,Ashido.There's no use crying over spilled milk.Don't worry,I won't punish you,as long as you don't tell your classmates.Can you do that?","Yes sir.","Good.Now,pick up your things and try to stay calm,please.","Got it,sir."she said,picking up her things and leaving shortly thereafter .

She got back to the dorms ,avoiding questions by saying she was tired.Walking into her room, she put her stuff down,and collapsed against the door.She felt tears rolling down her face,sobs following in short order.

He could be dead.Gone forever.Six feet under in maybe a few days.She felt like a shard of glass was penetrating her chest.That idea,the possibility that she could never see him roll his eyes at her odd statements, shed genuine tears at his  classmates displays of manliness,make dramatic poses while he ranted on about chivalry and such.The idea was so terrifyingly final,she started crying even harder once she thought of it.She hoped,really hoped,he'd make it out.And with tears stuck in her eyelashes,she dazed of to much relieving sleep.

Time skip brought to you by me not knowing how long Kirishima was hospitalized

"Are you okay?"Ashido asked walking towards him,as Kaminari and Sero threw their arms over his shoulders.Her expression was pretty enigmatic,neither happy or sad,but her tone was somewhere in between questioning and concerned.Sure,he could've said he felt he failed Fatgum,or that his feelings for her came back due to the fact that she was the only thing he thought during in his comatose state,but the first option would make her worry for him,a burden he didn't want to impose on her,and the second would either creep her out or make her feel obligated to return his feelings ,both things he didn't want.So he went with:"I have a long way to go.","I see."she said matter of factly,before walking over to Uraraka and Tsuyu handing them Kotas rabbit .

Few hours later

Eijirou heard a knock on his door."Who is it?"he asked."Ashido.","Come on in.".She did and sat down next to him on the bed."Okay,can I ask you something?"she said,her usually peppy tone replaced by a more somber one."Sure.","What happened there and how bad was it?","Huh,what do you mean?"he said nervously."Oh,please.It's obvious something's bothering you,and that that something is related to something that happened on your work study."she said crossing her arms,with clear indignation at his less than stellar lying.He sighed.Of course she could tell he was a bit off.It was so obvious.He told her everything ."In conclusion I'm still just as much of a failure as I was in middle school.","Have you been listening to the story you told me just now?"she said looking at him with slight annoyance."Yeah,I did.And?","How does that story prove you're still a failure?","Cause I was still scared.".Ashido raised an eyebrow at him,before bursting into laughter.

Eijirou was taken aback and rolled his eyes."Yeah,laugh it up.Me being terrified is hilarious.","That's not why I'm laughing."she said ,calming down and wiping a tear."I'm laughing because you think that makes you weak.","Huh?","That's your word of the day,isn't it?"she said her grin slowly fading."Maybe,but could you elaborate on what you mean by that?"he said,still confused."Well,take me for example.You remember my confrontation with Gigantamachia,right?","Yeah.You lied where the agency was.","Yes.But,do you remember what happened a few seconds later?","You...cried.","Exactly."she said with a tone that implied she was glad he finally understood something he'd overlooked for a long time.

Ei often wondered what those tears meant.He just assumed it was tears of joy because her friends were alright,but now he realized it was because she was terrified and all that pent up fear spilled out of her once she realized what she just did."You were scared."he said as if he had just discovered the cure to all diseases in the world.She nodded."Yeah I was bluffing the whole time.But I acted despite my fear.Which is exactly what you did now.So stop putting me on a level higher than you,when you did the exact same thing."she said flicking his forehead."Actually I think you handled it better than me .At least you didn't cry.","Because I fainted,Mina.","Ok,whatever you say,Ei.But telling your middle school friends you actually got a freaking confession from THE ONE,THE ONLY,THE AMAZING Mina Ashido must count for something.","None of us called you that."he said smiling"Can't a girl dream?","She certainly can.But,thanks for the pep talk.","That wasn't a pep talk.That was me spewing straight facts."she said walking out and Kirishima swore he could've died happy right then and there.

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