Chapter three

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I am in my room on my bed,thinking of what my boss did to me,which makes feel like killing him.

I here a knock from the door,"who's there"I reply.

My grandmother enter without even answering, she comes toward me sitting on the bed,she asks me"why aren't you asleep.

"My boss at work kissed me" I reply her crying .

She looks at me smiling "my dear Alison you are twenty four you need to get married."

"Emily ,he is a protitue,how do you expect me to marry" I shout almost slapping my grandmother by raising my hand up.

My grandmother stands up,goes away from my room really annoyed through her look.

'Diiiiiiiiiiiiiin' my alarm rings countlessly waking me up then I turn it off.

I stand from my bed, still sleepy. I walked to my bathroom and grab my toothbrush, pressing my paste against it. I stared at myself in the mirror thinking of what my foolish boss did to me.

I finished brushing, l take my sponge and soap and started bathing, I come out of my bathroom after bathing and take my yellow underwear and wear my white long sleeve shirt,I also wear purple skirt.

I put on my black high hill and carry my purple bag,I go to my living room and see no food on the dining table.

I left, because if I had waited a little longer,I will be late so I decided to leave without eating.

I am in my office printing some document Kelvin gave to me,I see Kelvin coming towards his office.

He enters his office and started coming towards my office.

He enters my office coming towards me like yesterday, I stand up and I push him to the ground and started insulting him,that he is a brat,a bitch,he is rich,handsome but stupid.

He stands up with annoyance and gives me a big,painful slap that I have never received in my life, I begin to cry saying "you are such a heartless man,how can a man slap a woman, I don't want to say this ,but you lead me no chose" I pause for a moment, then I shouted"you are a disgrace to manhood."

He looked at me angrily ,then he walked away from me.

Kelvin p.o.v

I am in my office chair,thinking of whether I should fire Alison or not,but I say to my self,Alison can't go freely,she needs to pay for what she did to me.

Madison p.o.v

I come out of Mr Kelvin office,going to the other staff,telling them about the fight that happened to Mr Kelvin and Alison.

I go to the lunch table with the other staff, because it's lunch time.

I am on the lunch table with the other staff eating,then I bought up the topic about Mr Kelvin and Alison, I started by saying "you guy can't belief what happened, I saw Mr Kelvin and Alison fighting,Alison called him a brat,a bitch, a stupid person then Mr Kelvin slap her,and she said he" has I was talking I heard a clap from the back.

I turn back and I see Alison,I felt like the word has come to an end.

She comes closer to me and says"I never knew you are a gossip"

I say to her"I was juuuuuusssstttttttt.

"You got nothing to say,you know what, you,Mr Kelvin you are bird of the same feathers." Allison says

She then walks away from the lunch room.

Arizona p.o.v

I am in my office sitting on the chair, thinking of what Madison said, I regretted telling Alison what happened to me and Mr Kelvin,I begin to cry.

I say myself "I started it,I must end it."

Alison's p.o.v.

I am in my office crying, thinking of what had happened today, I check the time on the clock, the time is 9:00pm.

I carry my bag and left the company, because I am off for today.

I am at my house now sitting on the couch shouting "grandmother" no one answered.

I went to my grandmother room seeing her sleeping, so I left because I didn't want to disturb her.

I go to the kitchen to prepare noodles.

The next day

"Duiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllll" my alarm rings waking me up.

I stand up and go to the bathroom and grab my toothbrush and carry my paste and put on my toothbrush and started brushing, I finished brushing.

I carry my sponge and soap and started bathing and take my black underwear and wear my white short sleeve shirt.

I put on my black skirt and I wear my black high hill that I wore yesterday,I carry my black bag.

I go to my living room and I see my grandmother sitting on the couch,I go to meet her and sit with her feeling shy her that"I am sorry".

She looks at me then she smile saying "I have forgive you my dear,take this snacks, when you get there please eat this.

I reply her saying"okay granny,thank you".

I carry my bag and left.

Arizona p.o.v

I am going to lie to Alison,I go to Alison office.

Hi Alison, I say

She reply me saying "hi Arizona."

I begin to say "all what I told you is a lie,Mr Kelvin is very nice, he is not a cheater,he is a good man,I said that because I was jealous,so please go beg him"

She started laughing "hahahaha,she stands up and says, no need to pretend" she walks out.

I need to do something unless Mr Kelvin can kill her.,has I turn back someone hit me.

Thank you for reading,don't forget to vote and comment,enjoy the lockdown

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