Chapter ten.

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I didn't get myself for two minute, then see Kelvin in front of me.

"What kind of a man are you, how can a man slap a lady, you have no shame." I tell him in annoyance then leave the store.

Tries begin to role off my eyes.

"Alison what happened there?did he do something stupid?" Arizona asks me.

I ignore her as Kelvin begins to follow me.

He drags my hand.

"Let go of me, let go of me!" I shout as he leaves my hand then walk away.

Arizona p.o.v.

"What have you done now." I tell Mr Kelvin.

"I hate you and Alison I'm going to kill you two." He says as he leaves.

My heart begin to pump faster.

I begin to think.

"When me and Kelvin were dating,anytime he was angry and he says something he always fulfil what ever he says, what do I do, I started it so I must end it." 

I decided to go for a walk in other to re-fresh my thought of Mr Kelvin.

"Arizona." I hear a familiar feminine voice from my back.

I turn back and see Jenny.

"Jenny!!" I shout.

She comes close to me and give me a tight hug.

"I have missed you bestie." Jenny says.

"You didn't tell me you've come back from Canada, well how was school in Canada?was it fun?" I tell jenny.

"School in Canada was great." She replies me.

Let's take a work.

"Okay" Jenny tells me.

We begin to jest.

"Hmm, I want to ask you a question." I tell her.

"Go ahead." She replies me.

"My friend has a boss and they both hate each other, the boss his trying to kill my friend, so advice me what should I do save my friend life."I tell her.

" I think you should do contract of love."she replies me.

"What does that mean, besides there is nothing called contract of love." I respond her.

"Yes there is something called contract of love in American, my brother did it." She replies me acting surprise.

"What is it all about?" I tell her.

"It's a state where by you threaten the couples to sign a contract of love." She respond me back.

"I have an idea." I say it out unconsciously.

"What's your plan?" She says.

"None of your business."
I tell her jokingly.

She takes me to the registry place, I did what I'm ask to do,I collect the files and document I need for them to sign.

We both come out of the company.

I take my phone from my pocket and call Alison to  meet me at fooders restaurant.
"Alison do you like the food in this restaurant." I tell Alison.

"Yeah,but why did you call me here." She says.

"Hmm,do you have parent?I meant to say do you any family living with you?" I ask her.

"Well I don't have parent but I have granny, her name is Emily Chris."

"Does she have any sickness?" I ask her.

Tears begins to role off her eyes.

"Well she suffering from cancer, that's why I'm working so I can do her treatment. She's the only person I have." She says with tears as she leaves the restaurant.

I carry out the file from my bag and write under female threat:

Female threat.

Pay Emily Chris bill.

I leave after writing it.

Alison p.o.v.

I'm crying on my bed thinking of the accident of my parent, which is making me go crazy,I begin to think of my grandmother sickness.

My grandmother enters and see me crying.

"What happened Alison why are you crying."

I stand up and go to the bathroom and clean my face,I carry my towel and dry my face.

I sleep on my grandmother leg as she begin to pet and begins to sing for me.

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