Chapter six

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I turn around and see Drake, which makes me happy.

"Good plan Arizona well,I'm on your side,I can't support Mr Kelvin not at all." Drake says with happiness on his face.

"Drake you really scared me when you said well done it felt like there were a billion horses racing in my heart." I admit.

"I will get going now, bye."I tell Arizona and Drake.
Madison's p.o.v.

I look at the at the time, it's 7:00pm,I then ask Dave"should we be going now?."

He replies me saying "hmm I think we should wait a little more."

"That's not a good idea,I think we should go now."I tell him looking surprised.

He replies me saying"okay,let at least wait for ten minute then we can leave."

"Okay." I accept even though it's 
obvious it didn't come from my heart.
Alison p.o.v.

I'm decorating the hall as Kelvin enters and tells us"we have all done well,good job to you all Madison called me and told me they will arrive in 10minutes time."

I look at him then I snob.

"It's time everyone, it's time everyone" Josie repeats as we off the light.

Dave and Madison enters as aliyah turn on the light as we all start singing "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you Dave happy birthday to you, we wish you many happy returns of your day,long live and prosperity, hip hip hip, hurray."

"Thank you so much,God bless you all,thank you so much guys,I really appreciation your hard work." Dave tell us in tears.

Kelvin comes from my back and walks up to Dave with a box of gift and tell him"happy birthday buddy take this gift, it's for you,let's go to the dance floor."
Jamila p.o.v.
"Mr Kelvin I would like to speak with you in private,it's important."I whisper in his ear.

He replies me saying" jamila what happened to you now,it's a special day for me please don't spoil it."

"Sir,it's very important that it will help you." I whisper into his ear again.

"Okay let's go to my office" he says in a boring look.

We are in his office as I started saying "sir do you know that your plan of making Alison drunk isn't going to work."

"What do you mean jamila."Mr Kelvin tells me.

I reply him saying" what I mean is,I over heard Arizona and Alison saying that Alison won't take a drink through at this party."

"Well done jamila,I will double your salary for what you have told me today." Mr Kelvin tells me looking surprise.
Kelvin p.o.v.

I have a new plan,that Alison can't know about.

"Attention everyone,we are going to dance and it's going to be a boy and a girl that are going to dance, so get your couple ready in 5 minutes." I say to everyone

I go to Alison and I ask her whether she wants to dance with me.

"No,I can't dance with a person like you" Alison tells me in a confused way.

"Alison it's a dance and nothing else,please it's only one dance." I say to Alison in a pity way.

"Okay fine but it's only one dance." Alison says to me in annoyance.
Arizona p.o.v.

"Arizona I have ruin your plan,I already told Mr Kelvin about your plan so he changed his plan and decided to double my salary,isn't it great." Jamila tells me looking happy.

"What!,I have to go save Alison now unless Mr Kelvin will do something stupid." I say as someone says"it time to dance."
Alison p.o.v.

Mr Kelvin comes to meet me and says"let's dance"he then drags me as we go to the dance floor.

He started turning me around as a diamond ring comes out of my pocket and Arizona comes to me and tells me"Alison Mr Kelvin wants to do something stupid."

I reply her saying "he has already done something stupid."

"Alison what's my diamond ring
doing with you,I was looking for this thing for about two weeks, and it's with you, you got to be punish for this." Kelvin says.

"Stop this Kelvin!, it's obvious you're lying."

"If you wanted money why don't you beg on the street,at least you will get money."Mr Kelvin says as others laughs at me.

" you're such a liar!."Arizona tells Mr Kelvin.

"I wasn't talking to you Arizona, so mind your business, Alison your is you would clean the whole company." Mr Kelvin says in happiness.

"I didn't do it,Arizona tell them."

"Mr Kelvin,she's correct she didn't do anything." Arizona says.

"What proof do you have,if you can give me proof I will set her free." Kelvin says.

"I have proof" we all here a deep voice from our back.
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