02: welcome back

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a new week had begun and gulf had decided it was time to go back to class.

he thanked the teachers for giving him a break because they actually cared about him and also despised art themselves.

he made sure to make his comeback strong. he decided to give himself a little makeover. he styled his hair, and even put a light amount of makeup on his face.

he had practiced his posture and smile in the mirror, making sure that he was no longer affected by the criticism he faced.

"hey," earth smiles at the sight of gulf. "you really had to go all out, huh?" asked saint, admiring how gulf looked like his old self. "hell yeah. fuck everyone," he chuckles. they all decide to head to school.

gulf was nervous, but he still had to remain a high chin and fixed posture.

as he exited the car, smiles formed on the students faces. the people on campus genuinely loved him because he was always kind and generous to them— whether it be to give them food or help them with anything.

that's why he was given the title of 'the school's prince.'

"p'gulf! how are you?" one of the studentd ask. "i'm alright. did you miss me?" he fakes a smile. "we did! we all had such hard times with class!" another student cries.

"well, sorry about that guys. i just had a really hard time the past few weeks." the students frown. "are you okay? we heard the news," gulf sadly nods, looking at his shoes. "well don't worry, p'!" they all cheer.

gulf thanked the heavens for these kind souls to bless him. "we know you're not some prostitute! plus, we don't even like that art guy. he's so mean to us— especially to the dance club people." his ear twitches.

"though, we promise to help you through your darkest times!" gulf smiles at the kind action. "we're always on your side!" a student asks. he then thanks them, excusing himself with his friends.

he was still broken on the inside, but he wanted to build a wall. he didn't want people to see his vulnerable side, because people knew that he was strong and independent even when he was dating mew.

"good morning, kid." greets tay, pulling him in for a hug. "you aren't hanging out with him?" gulf raises a brows as he scans the group of engineering students. joong, pavel, zee and tay.

"the others are scanning files, but him?" zee mocks a laugh.

"bastard found a new group." joong rolls his eyes. "well, let's just leave him alone. he's only focused on himself and art anyway," dome walks up to them, pecking pavel on the cheeks before stepping next to gulf, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"speaking of selfish, 12 o'clock." nine gestures his head behind the group of engineering students to reveal mew and his new friends.

art latched onto him like a leech, only sparing a glance at his boyfriend and no one else. mew no longer had his hair down, but instead styled it up. his uniform was unbuttoned on the first three buttons, revealing his chest.

he was expressionless.

behind him was krist, singto and a few other familiar faces.

"he's hanging out with them? really?" those two were part of the drama club and were always full of themselves, especially during theatre month.

"what do you expect? they need friends." dome low-key disses them. "i feel bad," they over hear a student say.

as they walk down the hall, art trips on his own two feet, his face planting on the ground.

everyone in the hallways try to stifle a laugh. "serves you right," gulf chuckles. "who did it?!" art stands up in embarrassment. no one answers because no one did but himself.

his eyes shift to gulf, filled with hatred and anger.

"i bet it was you, kanawut!" he stomps his way towards the tanned male, his face full of anger. gulf only raised a brow, a smirk across his lips. "i'm standing 5 feet away from you. you expect me to reach that? hell, i can't even reach the top of my locker." he mocks.

"i know you did it." he persuades. "then prove it. i won't believe it till i see evidence," art was dumbstruck.

"hey, suppasit? grab your man before he embarrasses himself more." gulf shoots a mocking smile at the two before walking away.

"that's what you deserve," saint teases as he walks away, following gulf with his friends.

art stomps his feet in frustration, screaming in embarrassment. "can you be quiet please? people are studying." a student asks in a tame voice. "you'll pay for this, kanawut!" he cries.

"c'mon." mew says as he walks away, holding art's hand.

class had just ended and it was announced that there was going to be a formal party for senior students soon. everyone was ecstatic with the news. imagining it to be their own little fairytale.

it was said that they needed a partner to go with to the party.

gulf was alone. everyone in his friend group was already taken. he sighs, sitting down on a bench and drawing in his sketchbook. "hey," he looks up to see nine. "where's joong?" gulf asks.

the shorter shakes his head. "he's still in class with the others. don't you have club practice?" gulf nods, looking out at the field, watching students from different faculties hang out with each other.

"yeah. new has been pestering me to come back to the club because he needs another dancer to help his teach even though cooheart is there," he refers to earth, the walking ball of happiness and excitement.

nine chuckles. "so do you have a partner already?" he then asks, curiosity hinting in his face. "i might not even go to the damn party." the brunette saldy smiles. he knows that he's just going to get outcasted.

while his friends were with their partners, he was alone just watching silently from afar. when slow dances began, he just stood there.

just like last year. mew was out of town to visit his family. gf was alone at the party. he had thought that he would have more fun alone, but that was all false. when he got home, he just cried. he felt alone and that no one was there for him.

"why? you've got us," nine spoke in a soft voice. he knew how gulf had felt. "i know, but..i don't want to ruin your time with your partners," he looks down at his sketchbook.

the blonde frowns. "hey, don't say that. we always have time for you– and plus, i see joong's face everyday, mornjng and night." he smiles. gulf nods, looking back at the field.

"i'll think about it, but i don't have an outfit though." the brunette had remembered that he tore apart the suit he wore last year due to anger. "oh don't worry about that, bright has alot of suits. that bastard always thinks he's going to the met gala," win walks up to them.

he waves at his friend. "how you holding up, goop?" the brunette chuckles at the use of his nickname.

"never been better," he purses his lips together. "you don't deserve this," win pulls him in an embrace. he knew that gulf was hurting. he was smiling, but his eyes said otherwise.

gulf hugs back, holding in the urge to cry. "it's okay. we got you," nine whispers as he joins the hug, wresting his face on the latter's back.

he wasn't fully back. he was still the same broken gulf kanawut.

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