Part 4

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Alexander's words rang in Stevie's head. He was going to ask her to take her clothes off. He didn't say anything else after that for a while, simply watching her as she tried to relax, which was increasingly harder to do. Maybe it wasn't a go- No. Stevie shook her head to herself to stop questioning the whole thing again.

"What are you thinking about?" Alexander asked after what felt like forever.

"I-I'm just admiring your work." Stevie replied, her back facing him as she walked slowly along the walls, where his paintings were hung. She could feel his eyes traveling over her body from a distance. "I like this one." She pointed, then briefly turned to look at Alex. 

"Ah, yes." He stood up and approached her, looking at his own piece. "You'd be surprised if you knew, who that is. She came in just as shy as you."

"Is she famous?" Stevie gained a little confidence in her decision. Alexander's response suggested that she knew this woman and yet, she had no idea, who the person was.

"Yes, she is." He nodded his head. "But we're not here to discuss anyone else, we're here for you." His hand settled on the small of her back and he turned them around, Stevie didn't resist, when he started walking them back towards the single chair and the settee. "Do you see yourself as beautiful?"

Stevie frowned, what was he trying to say? "Well, I've been told-"

"No. Do you see yourself as beautiful?"

"Not always. It's not that I think I'm beautiful only when I'm in stage clothes or at a party, dressed up and wearing a layer of makeup. It's more when I feel good that I'm beautiful to myself. Or when Lindsey tells me." Stevie added. 

"Understandable." Alexander nodded with a shrug of his shoulders. "Which tells me that you need reassurance."

"Don't we all?" She smiled weakly for a brief moment.

"Again, Stevie, we're talking about you." He insisted that she didn't focus on anyone else. "I don't know you well as a person yet, but I've seen a lot of you. You tend to cover yourself, hide." He continued. "You're always dripping in chiffon, you wear shawls. Now, you can try and prove me wrong, tell me that this is your style, but I won't believe it."

"You sure sound like you know me well." Stevie fought back an eye roll, crossing her arms, which pushed out her chest. 

Alexander didn't realize he swiftly liked his lips. He brought the chair closer, their knees almost touching. He leaned forward in his seat and gently loosened her arms, her hands now rested clasped in her lap. 

"Undress, please." Alexander leaned back, his legs spread wide apart. "Take your time."

"I'm not about to do a striptease, you know."

"Did I ask for it?" He asked, not really interested in her answer. "You have to work with me here, Stevie."

Something about the way he said her name, made Stevie tingle a little inside. He'd only done it a couple of times, but a small part of her wished he'd do it more. It's art, she kept repeating to herself, this is fine.

Slowly, Stevie stood up. She was wearing a light sweater, which she took off first. With shaky hands, she reached for the hem of her blouse and pulled it up over her head, tossing it aside. She didn't have a bra on and the sight in front of him, caught Alexander's attention instantly. Taking a deep breath, she wiggled her hips, causing her skirt to fall down around her ankles. She then bent over to unzip her boots and stepped out of them. She stopped.

"You're not naked yet." Alexander pointed out the obvious.

Stevie folded her arms again and looked away. "I know..."

"Nothing is more beautiful than a woman's body." Alex said, standing up. He took a step and was right in front of Stevie. He reached for her hands and unhooked them, letting them rest at her sides. His fingertips wandered up the length of her arm, over her collarbone and down the middle of her breasts. 

Stevie didn't mean to, but she started breathing heavily, her lips slightly parted. She tilted her head up, Alexander's eyes locked with hers. 

"Are you perfect? No." He asked and answered. "Because no one is. What's perfect anyway?" 

She saw his Adam's apple rise and fall slowly as he swallowed. His hands gently gripped her sides and pulled her closer. Stevie wanted to ask him, what the hell was he doing, but she couldn't find her voice. She felt his palms on her body, they didn't stay in one place for long. She desperately tried to remember Lindsey and think of him, but the truth was, he hadn't touched her that way for a very long time.

Alexander leaned in close to Stevie's ear. "It's a shame."

"Wh-what is?"

"That he doesn't take good care of you."

"What makes you say that?" It didn't come across as a protest, maybe a very weak one at best.

"You're nearly shaking in my arms and I haven't done anything." 

Honestly, Alexander rarely ever cross boundaries with women he worked with. He hadn't planned on doing it with Stevie, until he finally met her, until he finally got to be with her alone. Alexander knew he shouldn't. If he came on too strong the first time they met, there might not even be the next time they see each other, but he couldn't resist it either...


Hey! I myself am creeped out by this guy, sorry.

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