Part 14

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The ice in Lindsey's glass had melted by now. He wasn't focused on anything in particular, his eyes wandered around the bar, he and Carol Ann were at. Lindsey wasn't too sure about his intentions with her. Sure, she was young and pretty, but she wasn't someone, who he could really talk to. Carol Ann was just a groupie and most importantly she wasn't Stevie. Even though Lindsey hadn't decided yet how far he was willing to take it, he wasn't ready to forgive Stevie yet and Carol Ann was... there. She just was there for him to play with Stevie's feelings. Carol Ann wasn't a genuine interest, she was Lindsey's prop. However, Stevie didn't need to know that.

"I'm having a really great time with you, Lindsey." Carol Ann lay her hand on Lindsey's arm, catching his attention. "You're such a good listener." Lindsey nearly chocked on his drink. He was doing the exact opposite - he wasn't listening, he simply let Carol Ann ramble on. "Why do you keep looking at the door? Are you waiting for someone?" She asked, slight disappointment evident in her voice. She thought they were on a date.

The place Lindsey had taken Carol Ann to was well liked by members of various bands. Fleetwood Mac were frequent visitors as well. Maybe on purpose or maybe not, Lindsey wanted to go there. Stevie hadn't been to the studio for several days now, she wasn't needed at the moment, and he wanted to bump into her, he wanted to know if she was with someone.

"I'm not waiting for anyone." Lindsey replied. "I'm with you."

That brought a smile to Carol Ann's face. Yes, she knew that Lindsey and Stevie were still kind of together, but she was mostly innocent in the situation and she was just glad that a famous rockstar was with her. 

"Can I kiss you?" Carol Ann asked, she'd been wanting to do that for a long time. 

Lindsey brought his glass of whiskey up to his lips and took a sip, giving himself a minute to think. A kiss, just a kiss, that's all, he thought. He suddenly remembered Stevie again, she had done way worse. 

One corner of his lips turned up and Lindsey nodded. With his drink in one hand, he had his other arm resting along the booth. He wouldn't have to touch Carol Ann, he didn't exactly want to. Attempting to mask her excitement, Carol Ann scooted over a bit closer to Lindsey. She cupped his face in her hands and a little tentative, she tilted her head to one side and softly pressed her lips to Lindsey's. A part of Lindsey expected more, he'd been kissing girls like that since he was 10 years old, but Carol Ann pulled back, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Unsure of what to say or do, Lindsey faked a cough and his gaze shifted away from his 'date' towards the entrance again. He knew it. He just knew it. Stevie walked in. She didn't seem to be too broken up about how things currently were between them. If anything, she looked happy, dressed up and adorned by jewelry. Lindsey thought he had gone completely crazy, thinking he could almost smell her perfume. But she wasn't alone. Who was that with her, Lindsey frowned. Was that-

"Don Henley?" Lindsey apparently said it out loud.

"What?" Carol asked, following his line of sight. "Oh, it is! Oh my, God! Joe Walsh too! And Ste- oh, and Stevie." Her excitement vanished.

Cocking his head back, Lindsey finished his drink in one big gulp. He slammed the empty glass on the table and stood up. He had momentarily forgotten that he wasn't alone, before Carol Ann jumped to her feet as well.

"Where are you going? Lindsey!" She yelled after him, remembering she'd left her purse behind. "Lindsey, wait!"

Stevie turned her head towards the commotion. Her eyes met Lindsey's, he looked angry and it slightly terrified her. Carol managed to catch up to Lindsey, she also glanced at Stevie briefly. There was no verbal exchange between the three of them as Lindsey pushed through the gathered crowd and went outside.

"Hey, was that Lindsey?" Don asked, nudging Stevie with his elbow. "I didn't realize, he looks different."

"Yeah. He is different." Stevie said, suddenly wanting to leave. 

"Come on, we'll show you a great time." Joe smirked, offering his arm to Stevie.

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