Part 20

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With a wine glass in her hand, Stevie lay on the couch, listening to the soft sound of music coming from the record player. She turned her head to face Lindsey and smiled, seeing him so focused. When he suggested it, she thought it was a bit silly, especially it being a thing that had them drift so far apart from each other. However, Lindsey seemed really excited and he kept telling her, he wanted to do it. 

"Linds, how much longer?" Stevie asked, she'd been in the same position for a while now.

"Not much now." Lindsey replied, getting closer to the canvas, carefully adding the last details.

"I've forgotten that you enjoy painting. You haven't done it for a long time."

"Well, music got in the way." He shrugged. "But I think, I might continue with it. It's a great form of relaxation. Also, having you naked in front of me for a long period of time isn't such a bad thing." Lindsey smirked and Stevie gave him a look. "Hey, maybe I could paint you in different positions and then display my work in some art gallery."

"Not a chance in hell!"

"Yeah." Lindsey nodded. "Didn't think so. Can we hang this one in our bedroom then?"

"Depends on how it comes out." Stevie shrugged, the expression on Lindsey's face letting her know that he was only joking.

"Alright." He said, putting the brush down. "I think, I'm done."

Stevie put away her wine and reached for her silk robe. She put it on, with nothing else underneath and approached Lindsey, who remained seated. He was nervous about her looking at it, but it wasn't because he was really concerned if she liked the painting or not. 

"Oh, wow." Stevie said, genuinely surprised. "This... this is actually really beautiful."

"You think so?" Lindsey smiled, standing up to his feet, his arm going around her waist. "Is it worth the bedroom wall?"

She chuckled, nodding her head. "I think it is." She said, cradling his face in her hands. "Thank you."

"Is there anything in particular that you like about it?" Lindsey asked. "Does any detail stand out more than the others?"

Strange question, Stevie thought, but she got a little closer, looking at the image of herself. "Well..."

"What about your hands?" Lindsey steered her into the right direction.

"Uh... a ring?" Stevie frowned, looking at her own hand and not the painting. "But I'm not wearing a ring."

"You could be." Lindsey said, making her turn around. While he stood behind her, Lindsey pulled out an engagement ring he had picked out about a month ago. It was risky and it was a big decision, given that they'd been back together for only a couple of months. "I hope that you feel the same way that I do about us. Since the first time I saw you, I've always thought that you were the most beautiful girl. I couldn't believe it, when I asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend and you said yes. We were just so young and so stupid back then. We didn't really care about anything or anyone else, but each other and we were happy. Years went buy and life got in the way, we started caring about other people and other things more than each other and it hurt us. It nearly broke us apart. When you and I weren't really together, I realized what I had and what I lost. I never want to lose it again. I never want to lose you again, Stephanie." By the time Lindsey stopped talking, Stevie was openly crying. He wanted to reach out for her, but he had to say it all, otherwise the emotions would get the better of him too. "Will you marry me?"

Parting her lips, Stevie couldn't make a sound, so she just nodded her head without any hesitation, not for a second.

"Yes?" Lindsey asked, a wide grin crossing his lips.

"Yes! Yes, Lindsey, I'll marry you!" She managed at last, holding out her hand for him to put the ring on. "You've always had me and you'll never lose me." 




Thank you for reading ♥

Come BackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora