Part 18

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Lindsey wondered how to enter the house without alarming Stevie. It was late and she was alone in a big house. If she was at home. He quietly unlocked the door and walked in, looking around for any signs of Stevie being there. The lights were off downstairs, guessing she might be in the bedroom, Lindsey jogged up the stairs to look for her there. The room was empty and Lindsey sighed. What the hell was he thinking coming there? Of course Stevie was out, probably having the time of her life with the Eagles or some other band he didn't care for. 

Frowning, Lindsey shut the bedroom door loudly and turned around to leave. He headed towards the staircase-

"Jesus Christ, Lindsey!" Stevie was making her way up, having heard his steps. "You scared the hell out of me!"

"I-I'm sorry." Lindsey apologized, he should have called before coming or at least called out her name, once he was inside. "I didn't mean to." He added, naturally opening his arms for her, trying to calm her down.

Realizing that she was in Lindsey's embrace, Stevie pulled back, giving him a look. "What are you doing here? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"I know it's late." Lindsey shrugged. "I came here to talk to you, Steph. First of all, to apologize to you for all those nasty things I said earlier today." Stevie just stood, staring at him. "You want me to get down on my knees? Because I will!" Lindsey proceeded to do so, but Stevie stopped him, laying her hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to do that, Lindsey. Come on, get up." She said, pulling her hand away from him, she hugged herself around the middle. "I think we should sit down."

They reentered the bedroom together and Lindsey sat down at the foot of the bed, while Stevie remained standing, pacing back and forth. "Come here."

"No. Firstly, I want to know, what we are going to talk about. If you're here to break up with me for real this time, I really don't want to sit with you." Stevie shook her head, going to stand by the window even though she could barely see anything.

"That's not what I want to talk to you about at all." Lindsey said, standing up, he approached her. He'd missed her, badly. He wanted to touch her, despite everything that had happened, but he needed to know where they stood with each other first. "Steph, I'm tired. You hurt me, I went out of my way to hurt you, forcing myself to flirt with another woman in front of you. I'm going to be honest, I wanted you to feel the way I felt, so I-I asked Carol Ann to come over-"

"Lindsey..." Stevie hung her head low. "I don't want to hear about that." She could only whisper, her eye brimming with tears already.

"No, baby." Lindsey shook his head, reaching for her hands. "I didn't. I've only kissed her, but I couldn't do anything else. Why would I? She's not the one that I want, Stevie. It's you. I know that a lot of fucked up shit has happened lately, but the only thing that I've gotten out from all of it is that no matter what, I still love you. We both have flaws, but honestly, I will take you with them over someone else any day."

Stevie was feeling a little overwhelmed. Everything Lindsey was saying, she wanted it too, but... "Linds, I cheated on you. I've been seeing another man behind your back. How can... how can you forgive me for that? How come you're the one, telling me how much you love me, how nothing else matters to you?" She cupped his face in her hands, her bottom lip trembling. "I should be the one getting down on my knees in front of you."

Lindsey smirked, kissing the palm of her hand. "Well, you could..."

Laughing tearfully, Stevie quickly became serious again. "Of course, I love you too. There hasn't been a day that I didn't love you, Lindsey, but..."

"What?" Lindsey asked, worry in his voice.

"Don't you think that we've damaged our relationship the worst we've ever had? Is there even a away back for us?" 

"I- I haven't gotten as far as to suggest you ways, how we could fix this mess, but I know one thing." Lindsey said and leaned into to capture her lips. He pulled back and pecked her again. "I love you, Stephanie. I love you and I want us to work this shit out." He swallowed uneasily. "Do you?"

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