Part 13

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That night Stevie called Alexander and he was more than happy to come to her rescue. He told her, he'd help her any way he could, but all she needed at the moment was an escape. Alexander was Stevie's escape. He came to her after she'd called, but it didn't feel right to Stevie. It wasn't just her home, Lindsey lived there too or at least, he used to. So, she hadn't invited him over again, instead they would meet at Alexander's. He had no problem with that. 

While having sex was great, Alexander felt like he might be beginning to want just a bit more. He hadn't known Stevie for that long, well, not long at all actually, but he thought there was something between them - a connection. Alex wasn't sure if it sounded stupid to Stevie, when he told her that he was going to take her out. It was not a date, he insisted. We could drive around, with the top down, listen to music, go to the beach. Stevie agreed.

Alexander said, he was going to come pick her up around midday, which meant an early morning for Stevie. With a lot of effort, she rolled out of bed just before 10 am. She sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes still heavy as she yawned, trying to decide, whether to have breakfast first or take a shower. Her thoughts were interrupted and she felt very wake, when the bedroom door opened and in came Lindsey. It had been nearly two weeks, since Stevie had to witness Lindsey flirt with that goddamn receptionist. Since then, they had only seen each other while working on the album, but they were mostly kept in opposite corners of the studio, closely watched by their bandmates. One wrong word from either of them and the whole day went to hell for everybody.

"What are you doing here?" Stevie asked, tying the sash of her silk robe.

"This is my house too." Lindsey shrugged, moving over to the closet, he dropped and opened a suitcase.

"That's not what I asked. What makes you think you can barge into my room, without giving me heads up that you're coming?"

Lindsey almost started laughing. "This isn't your room, sweetheart. This is still my house, this is still my bedroom." He said, taking clothes out of the closet and putting them into the suitcase. "To answer you, what am I doing here..." Lindsey breathed out heavily as he stood up straight, hands on his hips, he looked at Stevie. He shouldn't have, but he wanted a quiet, short moment just to look at her. "I'm packing."

Stevie scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I can see that. Are you... are you moving out?" Her tone of voice suddenly changed, she sounded afraid and she was afraid of his answer.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? But no, at least not yet." Lindsey shook his head as he continued taking jeans and shirts out of the closet.

It seemed like it was only then that Stevie realized something. She forgot all about the fact they were on a break or broken up, she didn't know anymore. She pressed pause on their snide comments, fights and all the yelling, just for a second. Stevie took a few steps closer towards Lindsey and touched his cheek. It took him completely by surprise.

Lindsey frowned, a little lost. "What are you looking at?"

"Yo-you cut your hair, Linds..." Stevie said. She ran her fingers through his now short curls, then quickly pulled her hand away and moved to stand by the window, away from him.

Without Stevie so close to him, the momentary sincerity of their exchange was gone and Lindsey spoke up. "I did. Carol Ann thought it would look good."

Stevie swiftly spun around and narrowed her eyes at him. "I think, you've packed enough. Get out! Go!"

"You can't tell me what to do!" Lindsey shouted back, but closed his suitcase anyway. "You don't like hearing about me and another woman, huh? Well, I don't quite enjoy some other guy fucking you!"


"What? WHAT, Stevie?" Lindsey interrupted. "Are you going to tell me that you're not seeing him anymore or at least, that you're not seeing someone?" He gritted his teeth, then said, when she didn't respond. "Save it."

Stevie opened her mouth to say something else, but Lindsey grabbed his suitcase and stormed out.

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