prologue( The letter )

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*Lorenzo's POV*

Dear Stoney,

You are HORRENDOUS and I fu**ing hate you. (Sighed)

I wont fall someone like you.

I promise.

You dont deserve someone like me, seriously.

You are rude.

You are gross.




Name all the evil things and you got it. Okay?

Just wanna let you know that you are nothing to me and I never felt something special for you, opposite from what you are thinking. Huh! You think you affect me? Hahaha I'll be damned if I did. So fuck off Asshole. Okay?

Not sincerely Yours,
Your Sidekick.


Caleb patted my shoulder but I dont really care, my mind's still hooked with what I read in my Mini-Nanny's Diary. Huh? She hated me that much? Bitch. I said as I turned to Caleb. "Yeah???"

"She hated you that much bro." Caleb added as he shook his head and I fucking hate seeing him doing that, it makes me feel sick. "I thought you said she has a secret crush on you?"

"Shut up Idiot." I gave him a light punched on his right torso. Damn that leech! Of course Im talking about my careless sidekick.

"Tsk.tsk.. I think you should throw a drink for this heartache."

He patted my shoulder again and I made face. Im gonna make that leech pay, in my mind. "Your nuts."

Caleb laughed as he grabbed the letter from me then runned inside the classroom.

Hola!!!! sweethearts, that is one part of the story. Actually I am really good at writing first person POV but my cousin Lendy begged for it.. so this is it!!!

Ill start the chapter 1 now...
Hope you'll like it...

I Love you

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