vaguely regarding homophobia and biphobia

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okay so

i go to a Catholic school, which is incredibly anti-gay

and i'm a bisexual

as most of you know, in january i got cast as beast and then re-cast because the school didn't want a girl-on-giek romance. however, there had been implied romances in the past between two female actors but different-gendered characters. we are LEGALLY not allowed to change a character's gender. the actor is allowed to be a different gender, but the character must stay the same.

the difference between me and those other girls, however, is that i am bisexual.

i have reason to believe that one of the girls playing belle (or her mother) did not want me to have the role as a lead main character because i am bi.

that is discrimination.

whether or not that's legal in our state, i don't know. however, we're scared that belle actor is going to be doing other homophobic things, such as reporting us for putting a rainbow picture in a class newspaper.

we're not scared anymore

you screw with my emotions, that's one thing. you wanna discriminate against me, fine. i'll get over it.

but if you DARE to screw with my friends, try to get them in trouble for supporting me like friends do, we're gonna have a problem.

i'm just trying to spread awareness here. if we get reported, i'll update. but, if you want, get the story out there. this is an injustice. it's happened to people in the past. i don't want it to happen to innocent people in the future.

here's basically what i said on my announcement board at the time it happened

here's basically what i said on my announcement board at the time it happened

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