woah questions ??

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so that one chapter on questions actually got a few questions and i'm here to answer!

so that one chapter on questions actually got a few questions and i'm here to answer!

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hi!! hello!! how ya doing?


imma get a lot of hate for this, but YES




ah, sexuality questioning! it's not weird at all, actually. bi curiousity is totally normal and, in my opinion, should be treated as such. if you're comfortable with the label of bisexual, go for it! the community is lucky to have you! but if something feels off about the label, or you're just not sure, see what other multisexual options are out there. some that i know of are bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, and omnisexual. there's probably more that i don't know about, so i suggest you do your own research. in addition, romantic and sexual
labels are different. you can be asexual panromantic, pansexual biromantic, bisexual homoromantic, polysexual demiromantic, so on and so forth. it's confusing for a while, but there's no rush!

and some people don't even like labels! they love who they want with no label necessary. these people may be addressed as "queer" or "other" when in a group setting

 these people may be addressed as "queer" or "other" when in a group setting

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i personally am not out to my parents, but here's some advice

1) if you want to come out, i respect that. but if you fear that you may be unsafe or in danger if you come out, please don't come out. i know that sounds kinda weird, but your safety is the top priority. in that case, come out when you're no longer living with them and you aren't financially dependent on them

2) research if the area you live in has outlawed gay conversation therapy. this could be useful information

3) if you're not in danger and you're ready to come out, try coming out to a friend so you could have a place to stay if things go wrong.

4) when telling your parents, try phrasing it as getting to know you better rather than a negative thing. for example

"i have something to say, and it might upset you."

that sets the tone of your conversation as negative immediately. try:

"i'd like to tell you guys something, because i love you and i don't wanna keep this from you much longer. i hope this brings us together and helps you get to know me better."

it's okay if the conversation gets a little emotional. they're gonna ask questions, and try not to be offended. if you're around my age, you'll know that their generation wasn't exactly the friendliest.

their first reaction is not their final reaction, remember. their opinion can and will change.

if they love you, they will come to accept you. and if they simply can't accept you, sorry but they're toxic and you might wanna consider cuttinng them off

sorry for the late answers!

sorry for the late answers!

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