Sensei Seishin

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When Ame said early, he didn't think that she meant 6 am. Izuku got up and began to get ready for the day. After getting out of the shower and getting dressed, Izuku put his shoes on and went down to the kitchen. After eating some cereal he wrote a note to his mother and left it on the refrigerator and then he and Tekku followed Ame to her master's home. It wasn't to long of a walk from Izuku's house to the train station but from the station to Ame's place it was about a 30 minute walk. When they finally reached the house Izuku was out of breath and ready to sit down. Ame walked up to the front door and knock three times. It took a while but finally someone came to the door. That's someone, was another spirit, who went by Kusa according to Ame.

" Ah, your back. Master is down the hall in the lab. He said he'll come get you when he's done. In the meantime why don't you go wait in the living room."

And then Kusa was heading back down the hall way and out of sight. Ame showed the two to the living room and then was going off to do something else. The two sat there for a while talking and laughing since there was nothing better to do. Eventually a tall pale man with red hair, freckles, and green eyes came into the living room and sat in front of Izuku and Tekku. He was wearing an all black suite with a white lab coat on over and since they were inside the house he wasn't wearing shoes.

" So you're the one who asked for lessons, interesting. Well that explains why you were able to gain a contracted spirit so fast, your a child, and spirits like children better than adults. Anyway my name is Seishin Gaido and I'll be your teacher from now on. Today we are going to start with the basics, physical fitness. Using your gift takes stamina and focus, and since you are a child both of those are sorely lacking. We won't do anything to hard just a small run and some push ups, as I'm not trying to anger anyone by making you throw up. Now I'm going to change clothes and then we can get started."


Once Seishin was ready the two started out easy by stretching and doing some light exercises. Once finished with their warm up they started their run. From the front yard they made their way to the convenience store, which was about 20 minutes away. After getting some water and a snack for later they jogged back to Seishin's house, which took an extra ten minutes since they slowed their pace to a jog. Once back in the yard they did ten push ups and then went back in the house. Izuku took his shower first and then changed and then Seishin took his and changed. Once finished with that they sat in the living room.

" That'll be what we do everyday before lessons. Now, we'll start with a basic history lesson then move on to alchemy. From there we will do talismans and magic symbols. And you have enough stamina and focus we might start magic lessons, but those aren't what we're doing today. In order to use your gift you have to understand where it came from and what it does. if you don't understand those things there's no hope for you learning how to ever use magic. Yes you may have a Shikigami but that's basic entry level magic. The more complex stuff takes a lot more energy and a lot more focus."

Izuku nodded to show that he understood what was happening and why.

" Lesson one, when someone is talking to you unless they require that you don't talk back, speak boy. It is seen as very disrespectful when you refuse to speak to someone who is speaking to you."

Izuku went to nod again but stopped himself.

" Yes sir."

" Good now let us begin with the actual lesson."

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