How He Got In, To UA

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Izuku wheeled his Mama up the ramp to their front door and into the house. He brought her up to her room and helped her into her bed before going down stairs and grabbing the rest of her stuff from the car that brought them home.

He ran around the house making sure that everything was ok before he went back to check on Inko, who had already fallen to sleep. Izuku went into his room and grabbed his vigilante gear before heading out to patrol for the night.

Izuku had two days before the UA entrance exams took place, and he was confident that he would get in. He just has this feeling in his gut that he had a place in 1-A. Nothing would stop him from reaching his goal. Now there is a reason for him saying this to you, the reader. Remember Yokai, the vigilante not the creature, well he got caught.

While he was out, he ran into the little bitch bit known as Enji Todoroki, also known as Endeavor. Endeavor had a thing against all vigilante, so, he chased Izuku down trying to fry him alive. For such a big man he sure was fast as shit. It took a while before he caught up to Izuku but he caught up none the less. Many near misses and burns later Eraserhead and Present Mic made the man stop and caught the vigilante. Izuku was knocked out and taken to the police.

-----------ʕ´• ᴥ•̥'ʔ-------------

Izuku woke in an interrogation room cuffed to a table. He now knew that the feeling in his gut was a warning that he should not have gone out today. Oh well he was here now, might as well get it over with. A detective walked in and sat  across the metal table.

" Alright, my name is Detective Naiomasa and I'm going to be asking you a few questions before someone else will come in and do...something...else. I don't know man I'm tired of being here, I need a nap."

Izuku nodded and sat up a little straighter.

" Name?"

" Yokai."

" Real name?"

" Izuku."

" Last name?"

" Midoriya."

" Age?"

" 15."

" Quirk?"

" Don't have one."

" What do you mean?"

" What I just said."

" Then how do you fight?"

" With my gift."

" And that is?"

" Omnyōdō."

" Address?"

" My house."

" Alright I'm done, I'm going to go fall face first onto the floor in the break room and let someone else deal with you. If I'm lucky I'll suffocate."

Naiomasa got up and walked out of the room, Izuku heard the distant noise of a body hitting the ground. Aizawa walked in and looked at Izuku before a mouse, bear, rat thing jumped out of his scarf.

" Good evening young one. My name is Nezu and you I'll be your principle for the next three years. You will be attending UA high as a part of a rehabilitation program we are running. School starts Monday and we will be watching you until then, have a nice day."

And then they were gone and Izuku was tired, so he face planted the table and went to sleep again.


Nothing was ok. Aizawa was in his house and would be there until Monday when school starts. His mother was at this moment having one of her episodes where she remembered him and all that had happened in her life and was talking non stop about her baby. Izuku was finishing some last minute homework for Sensei, since he couldn't very well do it at the station. He'd have to turn it in tommorow morning and he still had other things to work on. Tekku was beside him playing tag with Len, Izuku's Shikigami.  The house was quite.

------------ლ(´ ❥ 'ლ)------------

He was here, standing outside the gates of UA, being stared at. It might have been because he was in handcuffs. Might have been that he wasn't in uniform. Might have been because Aizawa was standing next to him. There were alot of reasons people could be staring.

They started walking in and people continued to stare. He was starting to think they had an eye problem. The two walked over to the teacher's lounge and Izuku was told to sit on a chair. School had not started so Izuku was to wait.


A little wonky but I rushed it, also had no idea what to put here without making it to mundane or boring. Hope you can stomach what I believe to be the worst chapter yet.

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