Training and Lessons

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Izuku walked up to his Sensei's house and let himself in. He took his shoes off and waited at the door for Ame to come back with Seishin. It only took two minutes this time and then Izuku was sent to change so they could start their run. They ran to the convenience store and then went a little farther, adding five minutes to their run. They went back and stopped at the CS* for water and snacks, just like last time. They ran back to the house and got ready for lessons.

History was one of the things that intrigued Izuku the most. He liked learning about how his gift started and what people did with it.

After history was snack time, Izuku's favorite part of the day.

Once done they moved on to a new lesson, economics and supernatural and mundane world politics. This was so that Izuku could understand the world and how it worked a little better. He was taught about currency and status. He learned about power and standing. He learned that Omnyōji were peace keepers and important to the government. The older, wiser, and more powerful an Omnyōji, the more influence they had over what decisions the government made. Izuku would have little to no power in the government as he was four and new to his gift.

They stopped that lesson and moved on to basics for being in the lab. It was just like human science, except if you got something wrong or didn't wear or use the proper gear, you'd most likely die. If you didn't die, you would blow something up and start a fire or summon something that you wish you hadn't. They would go into the lab tomorrow and begin making simple healing salves.

They went over the basic magic symbols and some easy to make, but weak, protection talismans. The basic symbols were the four basic elements, fire, water, earth, air. Combinations of these symbols will have different effect on a spell. Water+Earth= Mud, Water+Fire= Steam, so on and so forth. The basic, easy to make talismans will protect you from level 1 ghost and below.

They came to the final lesson of the day, combat. They went outside and to the backyard. The training ground was big and full of all kinds of different things. They walked over to what looked like an obstacle course.

" I don't believe in the method of picking a weapon and learning how to use it. I see what balances you as a person and make an informed decision from there. I test aspects of your physical body and your personality. You are young so personality doesn't yet matter, you can be molded and shaped, but I won't do that because, honestly, it's to much work. You become your own person, I'm just here to teach you. Now the physical side is what we are working on. You will run this course and I will watch. Depending on how long you take and how you finish you will be given a weapon that suits you. Now 3, 2, begin."

Izuku began without hearing the one. He ran up to what looked to be a rock wall and started to climb, only for knobs to start coming out of the wall at random. Lucky for Izuku he had a quick reaction time due to bullies in his kindergarten trying to punch him. He dodged and continued to climb, now aware that at any moment a knob could come out to hit him. He sped up and finished the wall in two minutes, only having been hit once, in the jaw. He hopped over and found himself at balance beams he needed to cross to get down to the next stage. There were safety nets under him for if he fell, knowing that he started and made his way across, almost falling three times. At the bottom of the beams were logs of varying heights laid sideways.

" Find a way over them."

And then he was off again. The first was the hardest as it was very tall, and he was very small. He went back over to the beams and then took a running start and leaped up. He barely caught the edge of the bar and, him being the scrawny kid he was, he had trouble pulling himself up and over the log. He repeated this process for the rest of the logs and continued to the next stage. He found it was a land mine.

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