A Little B&E

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Izuku admits that he could have come up with a better plan before coming in here. He could have booked a tour to see what defences the place had or to map it out so he could get in and out fast. There were a number of things that he could have done and yet here he was, playing an impromptu game of hide and seek with a bunch of pigs.

He leaned around the corner and then ducked back when the flashlight sweeped his way. He knew that something would go wrong, he just didn't think that it would happen this fast.

Recalling the memory of where the study was Izuku tried to make his way there while avoiding the police. He didn't end up in the right place as you'd imagine but he did find himself in the room the the Mori went to sleep in. He walked over to the little creature on the shelf and woke him up.

He opened his eyes slowly and they glowed a bright red as he looked around to take in his surroundings. His eyes dulled down to a pale orange before he looked at Izuku.

" Um...hello?"

A small voice left the smaller body of Mori, and Izuku was about to have a cuteness attack cause daww.

" Hi, I'm your master, but like, my name is Izuku Midoriya, so yeah. I need you to take me to the study that you last saw Anzen in cause I need his fans and sword. The Demon Queen is back and I need to kill her."

It took Mori a second to respond but eventually he hopped off his shelf and started moving towards the opposite wall. He climbed up on to the dresser and then on to the mirror on the dresser before hopping onto the door frame. He placed his left hand on a wood panel and his eyes glowed that same bright red before the door closed and the red light shined through. Once the light died Mori hopped on to Izuku's head.

" Walk through and you should be in the study."

" Thanks."

And then they were in the dusty old study and, oh, that was Anzen's body slumped over on the floor. Izuku attempted to look up at Mori.

" Why didn't you burry him?"

" It wasn't in the instructions, and if we did it now, he would most definitely fall apart."

Izuku nodded before moving over to the table and grabbing the weapons from the table. He gave Anzen's body a quick prayer before moving to leave the room.

The two safely made it out of the house and back to Izuku's truck, where Izuku buckle Mori into the passenger seat before moving around to climb in the driver himself. Now that Izuku was looking at him, Mori was only about 4'6, maybe at a stretch 4'7.

" Wait did you get bigger?"

" Yeah but this is my max height, in my current state I can only get so big or small."

He was small and child like and he would definitely need to buy a booster seat if he was keeping the kid, though he guessed Mori wasn't really a kid. For now he'd just have to stay down as to avoid the police.

Izuku pulled out of the spot he was in and started making his way towards the nearest open walmart, he would need a few things, and some snacks.


He pulled into the walmart and unbuckled the two before picking Mori up and putting him on his hip. He grabbed his phone and wallet before climbing out of the car and closing the door before locking it behind him.

" What do you eat?"

" I didn't eat cause I powered down right after I was done with my tasks. I know that this body works similarly to a human child's, minus the super strength and magic ability, do what would you feed a seven year old."

" Dino nuggets it is."

" The heck are dino nuggets?"

And then they were sprinting to the frozen food section. Izuku got the nuggets and showed them to Mori, who nodded his approval before they went to get burritos, cereal, milk, plates, bowls, silverware, a new bed, and sheets to go on that bed.

Once everything was payed for Izuku took them to the warehouse where he put all the frozen food in the fridge and everything else in the cabinet he used to keep his beakers in.

He spent an hour putting Mori's bed together, and once he was finally done Mori told him 'that he simply could have had Mori use magic to complete the task'.

" I'll be back tomorrow with a few other people but for now don't leave the warehouse. Goodnight Mori."


School sucked and Izuku couldn't be convinced otherwise. He was currently sitting in Heroics, doing a hero theory paper that was stupid enough to warrant his boredom. He had finished and now was watching his boys. Katsuki was helping Eijirou, Hitoshi was napping, Shoto was helping Denki, Sero was looking at Shoto's paper over his shoulder, Ojirou was silently finishing his paper next to Izuku, and Iida was diligently working on proof reading his own for the third time.

My Boys😋😘

Izuku: Head to the wearhouse after school, I got someone I want you guys to meet.

Mirio: You pick up another stray Zuku?

Katsuki: Probably, the damn need can't help but save everyone!

Tamaki: ok

@ everyone: ok

Izuku put his phone away once again before laying his head down on the desk and following Hitoshi's example.


She tapped her fingers against the chair as she watched everyone move around frantically. They had found the first one, but it would barely give her enough power to boil a man alive without talismans.

Her baby walked up to her and sat down before she started petting his head.

That was ok though, being able to do spells without symbols would give her an advantage that that little brat and his boot lickers wouldn't have, she'd have the high ground in their next battle, and she'd laugh at them from above.

She got up and moved to her office, she had a lot of planning to do, and not nearly enough time to waste.


So the next chapter will be an event and hopefully it won't suck as much as this chapter, or take as long to get out. Thanks to the people who actually still read this and to any new readers who enjoy. I appreciate all you comments and feedback, and catching any of my spelling and grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoy reading my book.

Happy late new years and I hope you have a swell day.

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