Perfect Plan

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The roars and screams of the mob grew louder and louder. Stompings causing the floor beneath Muhammad and his wife to vibrate with increasing intensity.


Khadijah was still crying and shaking. She was in disbelief seeing Muhammad standing up and going out of the room, presenting himself to frenzied mob outside the hallway. They were now barging through the other rooms, howling and striking furniture with their clubs and sickles.

One of them, running out a room called out to the others as soon as he saw the pale, bald figure standing at the other end of the hallway. They all ran out of the room and said to him,

"You stupid fool! Had you remained silent and not shout at your property, we would had not known who you are O foolish magician!

Now we shall deliver your head before Nahik Mujawid and Mutim al-Tayar!"

But Muhammad stood silent and smiled at them. This agitated the mob further.

They questioned,

"You fool, we are going to kill you. Why are you so happy?

Your evil spirits have abandoned you. Your followers are all killed. Now you are all alone unarmed and exposed.

So why are you smiling?"

Muhammad still smiled and turning to his wife, bid her to come out. Khadijah did as she was told and then when they saw her wrapped in black veil, they asked,

"You think that will make us change our minds?"

Then Muhammad pulled down the veil, revealing his wife's face. When they saw this, several of them were enflamed with passion. One of them was salivating and yelped out,

"Let us know her! Let us know her".

Upon that, Khadijah stepped back, held back by the iron grip of her husband. Muhammad looked into her eyes, showing forth a menacing grin as he pushed her forward toward the mob.

Muhammad said,

"She is also still pure. You may check if you like. Like an unopened jug of sealed wine"

The mob continued salivating and two of them grabbed her, lifting her garment and checking between her thighs with their hands. When they pulled out, they nodded in approval. Khadijah was shaking all over and urinated out of fear, a stream of yellow dripping down onto the floor.

Muhammad then begun preaching,

"O men of Mecca. You love the gods of your fathers. You love Nahik Mujawid and Mutim al-Tayar. Yet I ask you, do they permit you the satiation of your passion?

They clearly not for if your passions are satiated, you would not be so desparate to lay your hands on an old rag.

However I say onto you, if you leave your gods and submit to Allah, you will have your passions satiated by women more beautiful than the Ethiopian raisins and Armenian hags that those priests and rulers offer onto you"

One of the men then enquired,

"If this is so, where are those perfect women that we may know?"

Muhammad answered,

"If you spare me and have patience until the end of the month, Allah will allow you to gaze upon them, the reward of the righteous. But now Allah will test you to see if you truly submit to him"

"Liar! Liar! You defiler!", roared the mob.

Khadijah was shoved aside as the mob lurched themselves toward him. Muhammad turned around and ran but was bashed in the leg by the swinging of a club, causing him to trip, falling face down.

Muhammad groaned in pain as the mob bellowed out in laughter. They have finally caught their prey, which is lying on the ground desparately trying to crawl away.

With the mob being fixated on Muhammad, Khadijah ran as fast as she could, fleeing the city in the night and lodging at a herder's tent at the sandy outskirts of the city. Muhammad was beaten and binded tightly by ropes, being dragged all the way to the Kaaba.

As they were marching on the streets, the mob announced,

"We have the defiler in our hands. We shall slay him before the eyes of the gods in the Kaaba by sunrise"

Hearing this, people looked out of their windows and came out into the streets, cheering the mob and cursing the struggling Muhammad. Eventhough he was tightly constrained by ropes, he wriggled his body in vain in an attempt to be set free.

With every twist and turn of his body, the rough fibres of ropes pressed harder against his skin, causing sharp burning pains all over his body as blood began to drip out from the tears on his skin. Feeling sharp pain ringing out, he turned still and submitted to his fate.

"Had I trusted Jibril and Allah, this would not happen. It is time for me to die. I give up", Muhammad cried, tears streaming down his cheeks.

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