Ministry in Ethiopia

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It is said that Muhammad tried to take his life 777 times in order to free himself of this feeling of death, constantly hearing the verses recited repeatedly from his dream onto him. After the 777th attempt of suicide, the voice rebuked,

"O Muhammad, why has thoust fail to abide by our instruction? Read the verses. We in our charity pressed them again and again into your mind so that you may have them in your heart. Yet you refuse"

Muhammad, whose eyes were deeply reddened, swelling and skin cold blue stammered,

"A-Allah...I-I Know the verses..I-I know them..p-p-pplease....end this...I-I can't endure it anymore..p-please have mercy...I-I know them..."

"Then read", demanded the voice.

"R-Read wh-w-what?" Muhammad stammered once more.


Muhammad trembled and fell to his feet, crying and begging for mercy. Teeth clanging as cymbals, he recited the verses and woke up again in the tavern. Now he felt not as death. However due to all that he endured, his pale white skin was now greenish blue, numerous black bags hung beneath his swollen eyes now round as marbles, their pupils being blank. The stubble on his head and chin were all white. 

Hastily, he gathered his followers and went out to the port. Due to his haggard and traumatic appearance, the people of Jeddah could not recognise him. On the way, the followers asked,

"O Prophet, you look as if you are in distress. What have Allah shown you?"

Muhammad answered,

"What was revealed onto me was that which is beyond this world. Mortal minds cannot comprehend these realities. This is why when Allah shew them onto me and his glorious throne above, I was dizzy, unable to perceive the impossible forms and movements of his angels. It was only by the sheer mercy of Allah that I still live after seeing these things."

Hearing this, the followers praised,

"O how great is our prophet, having seen the Throne of the only god! Peace and Blessings be upon you O Prophet!"

From the port, they boarded a ship to Ethiopia. There, Muhammad and his followers began to settle down as craftsmen and slave traders. Often they would go out into the wilderness armed with swords to round up primitive tribesmen, selling their women and children in Aksum, the capital and residence of the Negus. Wherever they went, they preached the Revelation from Above. 

Muhammad himself performed numerous miracles, giving the Ethiopians signs to behold. However because he was seen as a magician, no one took him seriously. Superstitious women with birth problems would often go up onto him, asking for him to open their barren wombs. 

To these he would often reply,

"O woman, you will be fruitful only if you submit to Allah and his will".

During this time, Muhammad also overheard conversations between the Christians and Jews, learning bits of their doctrines and Scriptures. Gaining this knowledge, he craftily adapted his preaching to be acceptable to them. Thus to the Christian he would often say,

"Indeed I believe in Jesus too. He is the Messiah who would come again on Judgement Day to judge the living and the dead. I believe Mary is the highest amongst women, greatest of Saints, summit of immaculate purity, the one whom Gabriel announced blessings onto which all generations shall call her blessed! We are the same, we are brothers"

To the Jews he would say,

"Indeed I believe only in one God as you do. All other gods are merely idols. I believe in Abraham whom God promised will be the Father of all nations. I believe in Moses who received the Covenant from God. I believe in the angels of God like Gabriel as you do. We are the same, we are brothers"

Arousing the hearts of the Jews and Christians, the Signs he performed caused many to see him as a living saint. Once after rounding up several children of the tribes in the wilderness, he went back into the city sweating all over and reddened in exhaustion. Hence he knelt down, knees pressing on the scorching earth with arms outstretched, prayed,

"O Allah, O JIbril, send down calm coolness unto our cracked and dried bodies that had toiled"

Suddenly the shadows of the buildings loomed all over Muhammad and all his followers. The ground became cool and gentle breeze blew, cooling all those who witnessed this. They declared,

"Truly this man is a living saint, pray for us!"

But Muhammad would instead offer,

"If you want my praise and prayer, come and join Islam, worship rightly. God is only one"

This reply stung the hearts of the Christians who heard, for they worship three Gods, Allah, Jesus and Mary. However there are those amongst the black Ethiopians who went out of the churches into Islam, professing loyalty and desire to become true monotheists. 

Eventually, his popularity grew such that it reached the ears of the Negus who resided in Aksum. Hearing about this new living saint who praised Jesus, Abraham and all the Apostles and Prophets of old and performed miracles, he gathered his advisers and priests together in council, ordering him to be brought before them to explain his movement. 

Hence orders came down onto the generals who ordered their troops to find Muhammad and bring him before the Negus. Several soldiers found Muhammad preaching under the shade of a large tree, outside the Church said to house the Ark of the Covenant. They came up to him, announcing,

"The Negus decreed that you have an audience with him. He has heard of your preachings and signs. Come to Aksum and show them onto him"

Muhammad lifted his hands and praised,

"Glory to Allah! May Islam spread as the descendents of Ibrahim through this".

Thus he willingly followed the soldiers, being escorted in a carriage by a general and several elite guardsmen to the Negus' palace. 

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