Chapter 2 (New Home)

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Jay's POV

I already knew where we gon stay. There's this old woman that I'd always helped after school. I would help her cross the street or help her with groceries but only on my free time though cause I didn't wanna get caught by my foster dad. I remembered she told me that if I needed a place to stay I could always come live with her. I was so scared to leave cause how terrified I was with my foster parents but now I'm not scared and I'm ready to leave my foster parents. She knew about my foster parents. How they treated us like shit. The question I always wanted to know is why even take us in if you hated us that much? It's whatever though. Cause we're never going back to that foster home again.

"Aye Jay? Where are we going? My legs hurt from this long ass walking we doing.."Dj asked

"We are going to meet a really good friend of mine! She is extremely nice and I'm for sure that she'll let us live with her!" I smiled at Dj

Dj smiled at me when I told her that! Even though we are twins and we are the same age I feel like the older sister. I don't hate feeling this way I actually love this feeling. I always protect my twin! You see Dj got it bad with our foster Dad! He would do really bad things to her. It really hurts me thinking about it. It makes me feel like a bad sister. But some day I'm going to get my revenge on my fucking bitch ass foster parents! I won't let anyone hurt my sister. If anyone touches her I swear to god they will end up in the hospital like that or have a funeral.

Dj's POV

Okay I am pretty tired of walking! Yeah I do exercise and play basketball 24/7 but my legs are really tired. We been walking for like an hour now?

"We here sis!" Jay breathed out in relief.

"Thank god! This looks like a nice apartment place..."

"Hell Ya!" Jay smiled

Jay's POV

We were finally here! I grabbed Dj's hand and rushed in the tall brick building. We entered in and there were 12 buttons. Each button had last and first names labeled next to them. I found button 5 and that labeled Mrs.Queen. That's the old woman I helped out a lot. I push the button and waited if she would respond or not. Then I heard her voice through the little speaker. Thank god she's an early bird cause it's 4 in the morning right now.

"Who is this?" Mrs.Queen asked

"It's me Mrs.Q remember me Jay?"

"Oh yes darling come on in!" She said sounding excited

I love Mrs.Queen! I would call her Mrs.Q for short. I heard a buzz sound rang through a little speaker. I opened the door and rushed my way up the stairs with our bags. Dj rushed up the steps with me as well. We were finally at the door. The door was darkish blue with a silver five above a peep hole. I knocked on the door and Mrs.Q opened it.

Dj's POV

Wow! Her friend is pretty old. I'm not trying to be rude or anything. Mrs.Q actually seems pretty nice so I hope this works out for us.

"Oooo who is the nice young lady? Is this your twin sister you were telling me about hm?" Mrs.Q giggled

"Yup the one and only I told you about! I'm actually surprised you can tell us apart!" Jay said while smiling at her

We walked in Mrs.Q's apartment. It was so pretty. The wallpaper was a dark deep red. She had leather Brown couches in the living room. She had a nice and neat home for an old woman living by herself.

"Mrs.Q you have a very nice home here."

"Thank you child! You're an angel to me already." Mrs.Queen laughed while walking leading our way to a room.

Jay's POV

Mrs.Queen was leading us to a room. She stopped at this wooden door. She opened the door and my jaw dropped! The room is great! The wallpaper is light blue. There is 4 dark wooden drawers, and 2 beds and one big drawer between the bed. This room looks great! It's like she knew this day would come.

"Mrs.Q this is a beautiful room! Thank you so much for letting us stay with you for now. And I promise I'm going to repay you back!"

"Child please you don't need repay nothing! You helped me cross the street! go grocery shopping, and you would bring me food from McDonald's so we can have our little talks. You are like a daughter to me and I would be so happy if you girls can stay with me! I do need a little help around this apartment anyway." Mrs.Queen laughed.

I was so touched that she said that! I walked over to her and hugged her.

"Now children go unpack. When you are finished please meet me in the living room!" Mrs.Queen asked us and we nodded our heads.

Mrs.Q went walking down the hall. All I could think of is that I'm starting my new life...............


A/N: Nice! I had a touching moment there! X3 alrighty look out for chapter 3!!!!!

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