Chapter 3 (New School)

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A/N Hey guys I hope you people like it! Okay I have to be honest the first two chapters didn't have that drama type yet! But I promise this one will! And now I'm going to change up a bit. Every 10 views I get I will update this book. Kiss kiss! And just saying I work very hard on this book! And I'm going to have to edit this too.. Alright go in and read! You should play the song up top tho. (just saying Mrs.Queen is the one in the pic)


Jay's POV

        Me and Dj were done unpacking finally! Our room was awesome as fuck! We added some wallpapers like basketball wallpapers. And Rap artist wallpapers. I have a 2pac wallpaper above my bed because I admire 2pac! I liked him because his music helped me when I was going through a dark time. Dj loves basketball so much that she has basketball ball everything in her area of the room. I love singing and dancing so we are pretty different but we look a like since we are twins! When we were done we had to go in the living room to talk to Mrs.Q.


      So glad I finished unpacking. I had on some red and black basketball shorts with a grey tank top on. I ran out of the room to the living to see Mrs.Q sitting on the couch. I sat on the couch that's across where she is sitting. I saw Jay coming along and she jumped over the couch where I am and landed on the couch with her ass. I looked at her as if she was crazy. Mrs.Q just laughed.

Jay: Aye Mrs.Q! What you wanna talk about with us?

Mrs.Q: Well children! Since you going to live under my roof, y'all going to start school!

Jay: Damn! I knew you were going to bring that shit up anytime soon!

Mrs.Q: Girl you better watch that mouth of yours because I will shove some soap in your throat to take them dirty words out!

Jay: Okay okay! Sorry Mrs.Q I didn't mean to get all sassy.

Me: Mrs.Q are we going to our same school or to a new school if I may ask?

Mrs.Q: :laughs: Child you are so different from you sister when you speak to me but you are going to start with a new school baby girl. Your old school won't allow you to go back there since this is a new district for y'all! Plus the school is only 5 minutes away.

Me: Okay that's fine with me!

Jay: When we be starting?

Mrs.Q: Tomorrow.

Jay: What! Tomorrow oh hell nah! Come on Mrs.Q you got to be playin! We just got here! Literally just got here!

Mrs.Q: Child it's already 10:00pm! Sorry child but if you start school tomorrow you won't miss out on school work baby. So y'all should go to bed because I don't want y'all to be late baby girls.

Me & Jay: Okay Good Night

      Me and Jay enters our room. Jay jumps in her bed. She grabs her radio and puts it on top of her drawer.

Jay: Aye Deej! Is it okay if I can play some music? It won't be loud or anything it just helps me sleep good.

Me: Yah sis! You should know it does the same for me too! :laughing:

Jay: :Smirks: okay baby girl! I'm going to play Tuesday though because you know that's my jam!

Me: okay sis! :Smiling:

       I went to bed and turn off my lamp next to me. I heard the song Tuesday playing by Drake and this other dude. All I could hear is Club going up on a Tuesday got yo girl.....Those were the words I heard when I passed  out.

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