D rose ~1~

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×× requested by RisottoNeroIsMyMood ××

The plane hummed, looking out the window, the golden and pink skies made you zone out. 'this is bull. he knows im busy with work.' you thought, you grumbled at the conversation. 

"for fucks sake. jotaro you know im busy." you said tiredly. you could hear a sigh from his end. "i know, but we need your help, theres a killer who we need to find." he said in a rushed tone, you looked over your glass table. Your small cup of tea getting cold. you yawend. "fine, where are you?" you asked, "Morioh japan." he said, you groaned. "ill pay for your plane tickets. where are you?" he asked, you looked around your hotel, "italy, and fine. but i swear to god jotaro if i-" he sighed, "calm down for once y/n. i know, ill see you in a day or so." he said hanging up. you glared at the phone. 

you had no problem with jotaro, youve just gotten stressed.. owning a big company took you to the top, but with alot of stress. thats what you get for inventing a healing tea. you fell asleep, even with a screaming kid a few rows behind you. the plane ride went slow. 'a killer?'                         +------+

you saw the man you haven't seen in years. "jotaro." you said tiredly. you looked horrible, and jotaro saw it. "yikes." he said, you glared up at him, "you gotten younger." you said with a soft tone, you were dead tired, that flight was awful. the delays and that kid. "was there a kid?" he asked, you winced. "yes, god it wouldn't stop crying." you said walking into a car with the man. "well, if anything your gotta laugh when you hear this." he said while driving, "the old man had an affair and now i have a hella young uncle, hes a freshmen in high-school old." jotaro said casually. you took a minute to process it. you started to laugh quietly, "i wanna meet this kid." you said with a small grin, jotaro nodded. "be glad its mid day, we can visit him right now." he said as you nodded. "so this killer?" he hummed, he was explaining alot as he drove.                       "so your telling me, your hunting down a man who maybe collects hands?" you asked holding back a laugh, it was a serious matter... but... "kink shaming." you mumbled. you could hear jotaro chuckle. you looked at him for a second, hes defiantly not changed what so ever. maybe height and style... but he looks younger, 'maybe it runs in the family?' 

turning down a neighborhood, then stopping. "were here, be careful-" you got out of the car already feeling the need to stretch. jotaro and you walked to the house. a boy with a pompadour answered. "ah jotaro- whos this?" he asked, he was young, "this is my older sister, y/n" he said casually. "y/n, this is our uncle, josuke." he added. josuke looked surprised. "you both look so different!" josuke let you both in, talking about basic stand stuff, your stand was a bit confusing. it was at least 2 feet tall, having a wood like design. its was actually hella freaky looking. the head was round with big orange and yellow eyes with purple markings along the eyes, spikes adored the edges of the head, then there was a long white hat, it flowed behind the stand. the one thing about it was thats really noticeable was its hands. it had wooden shaped boxing gloves for hands. "majora. he can punch things with great strength and where he punches that area turns to wood and rots. he also has cat like night vision. plus major echo location." you said having him in your arms, josuke looked weirded out. you chuckled, "well imma look around. its nice meeting you josuke. ill meet you at the hotel." you said to the two, they nodded. "be safe." jotaro said, you looked back at him sternly. you nodded. once you left, josuke sighed. "shes just as intimidating as you." the teen said looking at jotaro, "yeah but shes usually not like that, shes been working too hard."


you held some bags in your hands, you wanted to change out of your work clothes sooooo bad. you see a small bathroom inside the stripmall. changing into more comfy clothes you walk out. pulling a hoodie over you made you feel even better. you shopped around, but while in another clothing store, you bumped into someone, you lost you balance and failed to grab the clothing rack. you felt some one grab your hand. you looked up at who, a blonde man. "im so sorry! i didn't mean to." you said tiredly. the man just nodded. "its quite alright." he said calmly. you stood on your feet, you looked at his unique tie, "where did you get that tie?" you asked, you were one of fashion, just not on yourself. the man seemed surprised by your question. he blinked. "well i just found it at a uh thrift." he said looking at you weirdly, 'she must be in her teens.' he thought, "oh man! my company should invest in thrifts!" you stood and thought, kira spoke aloud, "company?" he asked curious. you smiled up at him, "yep i own that healing tea. i invented that actually." you said sheepishly, the man looked at you wide eyed. 'that tea.. its said to heal people within minutes, but its expensive.' he thought. 'shes not a teen then... maybe?' he looked down, noticing your still holding his hand, you notice and let go. "im sorry! but i gotta go before my brother beats my ass. ill see you around...um.." you wanted to know his name, he was a interesting character. "yoshikage kira." he said lowly. you nodded. "ciao yoshikage." you said politely. he watched as you walked out, throwing your hood on. even though its mid-day. he was curious of you. even for the rest of the day, he was thinking of you.                                                             
"y/n, can you go to the store?" jotaro asked, "come with me and ill pay for it." you said with a smirk as you watched the tv. you could tell he was thinking about it. "Nah." He said lazily. You grabbed his wallet and left, you could hear him yell. You already ran out of the hotel and ran around looking for the grocery store. It was maybe around 5...6.. You got lost too. Youve never been here. Ever. You were confused and lost. You didn't even know what to get. Well you did, he likes shrimp chips, and you usually get some cold food of some sort. You walked around, lost. It also didn't help that you left your phone at the hotel with Jotaro... 'Stupid jojo, stupid hunger, stupid!' You glared intensely at the ground, standing in place. You felt a tap on your shoulder, you jumped coming into a defensive position.  You turned around seeing a familiar blonde. "Yoshikage?" You asked having a relieved breath. He gave a small chuckle. "You can call me Kira, and you look lost." He said casually, you felt oddly off... But you shrugged it off. "Oh uh yeah, I just came here today actually." You said quietly. He nodded, "I can walk with you. If you'd like?" He asked politely. You looked at him, shocked. "I...I'd appreciate that." You said shyly. You didn't know why the hell you were being shy, its weird. But you walk with Kira. The silence between you both wasn't uncomfortable, it was actually really nice. Yea you live with Jotaro but he talks loudly. If your being talked too by so many people at once you feel overwhelmed and confused, and it makes you kinda freak a bit... So silence was the best route. "Here we are." He said as the two of you stop. you were about to thank him when a water drop hit your Nose, more following. You and Kira went inside. "That was unexpected." You said with a small giggle, Kira nodded down at you. "Well, I could do some early shopping as well." He said glancing at you, "wanna shop together then?" You asked handing him a small green basket. He looked at your hands, they were covered by a sleeve though, a small pout playing well on his face. You chuckled, he took it with a content look. "Sure.-" he said with a smile, your face lit pink, that smile was cute. You couldn't change your mind on that because it was true. He needs to smile more.


You both walked through the store, hearing rain get heavier and heavier. You and kira looked at soups. "Have you tried spicy curry? Its honestly top superior curry" You said proudly, kira looked down at you with a arched brow, "no, beef curry is way better. Uncultured swine." He said protectivelly over his opinion. You gasped, putting a hand over your chest. "How dare you! Tsk I shouldve known." You said shaking your head, you grabbed the last thing... No... "Ah I almost forgot about him." You chuckled, Jotaro would've killed you. You and Kira walked over to the frozen foods. "Sea shaped nuggets?" He asked, "you have kids?" Kira added. You giggled, "oh lord no! I'm only 32. My brother is 30 and hes a big sea life man..." you said with a evil grin, you put pack the sea ones and grab the dinosaur ones. "Heh, dinos are better." You smirked to yourself, Kira found it cute, 'evil but innocently evil.' Him and you got everything else and went to leave. Outside was a small bench under the small roofing.
"Yikes.. Its bad out." You said a bit worried. You weren't the best with storms, if it shook your house you kinda panicked.. But if its not like that, then your fine. Kira nodded, "maybe we could get a taxi?" He asked, you hummed. "Its pretty late, we definitely took our time in the store." You said earning a small yeah from him. He looked at his watch. "Its almost 10." He said, you gasped. 'fuck hes probably hungry or mad-' you thought...


"Ocean man! Take me by the hand lead to the land that you understand!" Jotaro sang along to the song that came on. He was watching spongebob.


you and Kira sat under the small roofing. He stood up. "I'll be right back." He said casually, you nodded. He walked into the store and out after a few minutes. He carried a green flannel umbrella, he opened it as he got out. "I'll walk you home." He said with a small smirk. You nodded, "alright." you said tiredly. Call yourself lame... But youve been sleeping early, and its annoying.. He held the umbrella as the two of you walked, enjoying the silence. You didn't lead him all the way though. Jotaro only wanted a few people to know so you did too. You stopped in front of a strip mall thats a block or so away. "I live behind those stores. I can walk the rest. Thanks yo- Kira." You said with a small tired smile, he raised a brow. "No I insist I take you-" you glared up at him, making him pipe down quickly. You then smiled sheepishly. "A little water didn't hurt no Body. If its acid rain then I'm in luck." You said casually. Giving Kira a big smile you waved. "Buonanotte kira." You said walking off, he waved. 'Buonanotte? Spanish? German?' He was confused on that as he walked home. He then thought to that stare... No glare.

'Why was I so.... Intimidated?'

𝓜𝔂 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻 𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷 =kira yoshikage x reader= (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now