Chapter 2: The Move

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I woke up the folowing morning in a cold sweat. The previoun nighg I had a devil of a nightmare. It was like watching a horror movie but with all that happened back in Texas. I looked at my alarm to only see that I was runing late for school. I got up as fast as my little scrawny legs could run and ran to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I ran downstairs in my skinny ripped jeans and white crop top and sneakers. "Morning darling" said my mum whilist kissing me lightly on the cheek and making pancakes. Mhhhmmm pancakes, my favourite. The thick syrup and slippery butter make my mouth water just at the thought of them. I sat down and chowed down on my plate like never befoure.

" I go, I guess" I sighed putting on my bagpack. "It is ok to be a bit nerveus. I felt the same way when I had to move states as a young child too." said dad. They both huged me and I waltzed  out the door. I turned back to see my mother looking out the window with a soft smile on her face and a thumbs up. I smiled back.

I arived at my new school. Wow so beautifull. I walked towards the main courts and lined up. As I tried to take another step I stubled and fell onto the floor. I got up to see Marcelo. "Im so sorry, let me help you."his soft voice said. Wow he was even more hamdsome in person. "No, no need for that" I exclaimed as I picked up my bagpack. "See you later then" he said as he walked off. Wow so thats Marcelo. My day was brightened up even more.

"May all new Seniors come to the lower courts for registration" said the intercon. I walked down to the lower courts and signed in. I looked at my map. I was in room 19. I sat down in my chair and waited for class to begin. The room suddenly went quiet as someone walked in. It was Marcelo. He saw me and said "Looks like I did see you layer eh?" Oh his voice was as soft as an angel. He sat at the very back as all "bad boys" do. I began to feel butterflies in my stomach.

At recess I bumped into him again. His locker was next to mine. "Hey, so what class do you have next" he said. We compared our timetables. Unbelievable, we had almost every single class together, besides P.E and mathematics.

"Well see you in art class  then." I said softly giving him a wink. I packed all of my textbooks, notebooks amd nearly every single bit of make up I had from my locker and walked down the halway and up the stairs to my class.

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