Chapter 7: The Party

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Last night we sent out the invitations to the party. It is going to be lit. Or so I thought. Marcelo woke me up by running around my driveway with pots and pans screaming "Lets party people!" He is really goofy but also cute and hot at the same time.

"Anna, Anna, let your hair down!" he said kneeling befoure my window and acting like the true prince he is. I blushed. I ran downstairs and got my car keys and ran out the door. "After you my queen." Marcelo said opening the door to my car and bowing down. "Thank you, Sir Marcelo." I said using my posh British accent.

We drove to Walmart and Target. We bought almost all of the thing there were. Party poppers, snacks, alcohol and much more. The total price came to $788.68 . We drove back home and had some time to plan out the party. I opened my door and sat on my bed. Marcelo walked to my closet and put on a lab coat. He draged out a large whiteboard and pretended to be a sexy scientist. His voice and precise acting got me turned on. I got up and pulled him to my bed. We started to kiss. Our "kissing" turned into a 2 hour makeout session.

We finally stopped and wrote down the plans for the party. "The food bar goes in this corner and the dance floor goes in the middle and the pool accessories go in this corner." said marcelo drawing on the board. "Well... lets get to it then" I said geting out of bed and taking a picture of the plan on my phone.

We walked downstairs and started to unpack the decorations. We hung up the party reifs and instaled the strobe lights and fog machines. As Marcelo was decorating the living room, I went to the kitchen to prepare the food. "Something smells nice." Marcelo said walking in the kitchen to get the scissors. He went up behind me and slowly started to kiss my neck. " Babe stop, we don't have much tine left." I said with a giggle.

As time went by so did my patience. I set up the food and everything and went upstairs to try out my swim suits that I got from Forever 21. "Nah, too basic" said Marcelo. "Too simple." I started to run out of options when one of them caught my eyes. A black super revealing swim suit. I put it on and walked out the closet. "What about now?" I said. "Daammm girl. You be looking fine af!" Marcelo said as he checked me out.

Finally, the party begun. All of the guests looked sexy as hell in their swimsuits. "Abigail, Mia, hey!" I said shouting and waving at them. Abigail and Mia were my BFFs. We share lots of secrets and memories together. "Girl you be looking sexy in that!" Abigail said looking at me. "Slay queen!!" Said Mia snaping her fingers.

Marcelo got up onto a table holding a megaphone and said. "Ladies and gentlemen.. oh forget about it. LETS PARTY PEOPLE!!!"  The crowd began to cheer and scream. We started to dance for hours and drank so much that we could not tell which way was left or right. "How about we have a little swim?" suggested Mia. We went to the pool and jumped in. The water was so refreshing. Marcelo swam next to me. "Hey babe." he said whils wraping his arm around me. "Omg you two are sooooo cute together!" Abigail squealed. I chuckeld at her.

All of a sudden Abbigail and Mia began to chant "KISS KISS KISS" I felt awkward as the guests surrounded us in the pool chanting "KISS KISS KISS" I was worried at first but then I said "Well I aint no chicken" and kissed Marcelo. The crowd cheered and whistled at us. "Get a room." said Liam. I stuck my tounge out as me and Marcelo walked upstairs to my room.

He threw me on the bed and got on top of me. He started to kiss me neck and made his way down to my exposed chest. I moaned so hard that you could hear it from the moon. He took off my panties and bra as I started to take off his shorts to reveal a 10" monster cock. He handcuffed me to the bed and slipped his anaconda in. "Oh fuck me." I moaned as he went deeper and deeper. He began to teese me by calling me a naughty girl and a dirty little slut. He began thrusting his dick faster and faster. "Harder daddy, harder!!" I squealed as he turned me over and shoved it in my ass. He clapped my cheeks for hours and hours on end. I got on top of him and sucked that bad boy up. His cock was so big and juicy that i gagged a few times. We had sex for the rest of the night.

The following morning I woke up to something hard against my ass. It was Marcelos boner. I got turned on. I began rubbing my ass againt it. He woke up silently and started to kiss me on my neck. I got on top of him and gave him the best blowjob there was.

We spent the rest of the day cleaning up. I still had the memory of us having sex last night and the blowjob I gave him this morning.

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